Air Filter Replacement: Tips to Help You Remember

Air Filter Replacement Tips

For most St. Louis homeowners, air filter replacement is low on their list of things that they want to do with their time. Yet if you took a poll of those same people and asked them how many of them would like to save money on their energy bills, prevent unnecessary repair calls, and improve their home comfort, just about all of them would answer with a resounding “yes!”

Missing air filter replacement may save you a little bit of money and time in the short run, but in the long run it will lead to higher home energy bills, unnecessary damage to your HVAC system, and reduced air quality. The good news is that air filter replacement can give you all of those benefits – but only if you actually remember to do it.

Tips for Replacing Your Air Filter Monthly

Here are some air filter replacement tips to help you to remember to do it regularly. If you would like to learn more about HVAC maintenance and what you can do to reduce energy bills while improving comfort in your home, contact our St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts today!

1. Use a calendar to send you a reminder

A free calendar like Google Calendar or the one that comes with your smartphone can be configured to send you phone notifications, e-mails, and even text messages to remind you about your scheduled air filter replacement.

Some people find that software calendars are too overwhelming to keep them organized, so you can also mark your air filter replacement day through the whole year with a calendar you keep pinned to your family refrigerator. After all, it is tough to be distracted by a Facebook notification on your paper calendar.

2. Keep the replacement air filters in an obvious place

Importance of Air Filter Replacement in St. Louis

Buying air filters in bulk is a great way to both save money on air filter replacement and provide a physical reminder somewhere in your basement or utility closet that you have something to take care of.

One handy tip is to mark off each filter with the date that you plan to use it. A label maker can also be handy for this purpose. That way, you will know which one to use for each air filter replacement. This also helps you to build the habit.

3. Consider using a networked thermostat that will send you automatic reminders

Thermostat systems that connect to the internet, like the popular Nest device, can send you automated reminders once it detects that it is time for an air filter replacement. This can also make it easier for you to manage other aspects of your home HVAC system remotely through apps on your smartphone or computer.

4. Associate air filter replacement with another monthly task

Another helpful tip to remember air filter replacement is to schedule this task on the same day you tackle other monthly chores or responsibilities. For example, plan air filter replacement on the same day you pay bills or handle lawn maintenance each month.

If you need help with your air filter replacement – or have any other heating & air conditioning issue in your St. Louis home, we at Galmiche & Sons are here to help. Call us to get answers to your questions about air filter replacement and more.

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