How Long Does a Furnace Last? Find the Answers Here

How Long Does a Furnace Last?

Furnaces are durable, and they typically last a long time, but eventually, wear and tear get the better of them. There are several factors that come into play when answering the question “how long does a furnace last”, such as how frequently it is serviced by furnace repair professionals. In this article, we will take you through what those factors are. We will also shed some light on certain actionable steps you can take to extend your St. Louis furnace’s lifespan.

To learn more or to schedule furnace maintenance or replacement in St. Louis, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

The Factors That Affect a Furnace’s Lifespan

So how long does a furnace last? Part of the answer to this question depends on the four following factors.

  • Age of the furnace: Old furnace models lack durability compared to modern furnaces. So, if you own a relatively newer model that utilizes modern furnace technology, you do not need to worry about its lifespan unless you encounter a serious technical issue. However, old furnaces are likely to develop technical failures frequently, which ultimately affect how long they last.
  • Frequency of maintenance: Furnace manufacturers recommend scheduling routine furnace maintenance at least once every year. As a St. Louis furnace owner, it is important you take this recommendation seriously. Yearly furnace maintenance services provided by licensed HVAC companies involve cleaning the furnace and keeping it running efficiently.
  • Quality of installation: Sometimes, furnace installers cut corners, and as a result, the quality of installation is affected. If a furnace is installed how it is supposed to be, you can expect it to run without problems for several years. However, improper furnace installations may trigger a variety of issues (insufficient distribution of air, short cycling, comfort issues, etc.) that all contribute to premature breakdowns.
  • Level of moisture: Moisture is not a furnace-friendly thing, and if excessive moisture makes its way into your furnace, expect problems to show up sooner rather than later. The components of a furnace, for instance, the heat exchanger, are likely to malfunction if there is excess moisture build-up. Rust may also wear some of the components down.

What Can You Do To Extend Your Furnace’s Lifespan?

If the question “how long does a furnace last?” has been on your mind recently, let us tell you that no furnace lasts forever. However, there are certain things you can do as a responsible owner to keep yours lasting for as long as possible.

  • Don’t burden your furnace with excessive workload: A furnace can only do so much efficiently, but when you start overburdening it, it stretches itself to its limits. For instance, if you adjust the thermostat drastically throughout the day, the furnace will constantly have to adapt to the changes. Instead of changing temperatures, it is best to keep the furnace running on a single setting.
  • Clean and seal your home’s ductwork: Breaches in your home’s ductwork can lead to a significant loss of heated air. Additionally, dust and dirt accumulation may also take place and obstruct the airflow. These ductwork issues can put a lot of pressure on your furnace, which is why it is important to clean and seal the ductwork. Apart from ensuring the well-being of your furnace, ductwork cleaning and sealing can also prevent your indoor air from getting polluted.
  • Insulate your home: You can cut down on your St. Louis electricity expenses by insulating your home, which will ensure that the warm air generated by the furnace stays inside. During the winter months, this can come in really handy and also prevent your furnace from bearing more pressure than it can handle.
  • Schedule routine maintenance: Last but not least, you need to schedule routine maintenance and not wait until something goes wrong with the furnace. Professional furnace repair companies in St. Louis, such as Galmiche & Sons, can check your furnace for both existing and potential issues and fix them before it is too late.

Contact Us to Learn More About “How Long Does a Furnace Last?”

Learn How Long Does Furnace Lasts

If you want to learn more to answer your questions about how long a furnace lasts or you need to schedule maintenance or repair services to keep your furnace running smoothly, we can help. In the greater St. Louis area, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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