When to Call an HVAC Technician vs. DIY Repair

When to Call an HVAC Technician vs. DIY Repair

Every homeowner wants their HVAC system to be in top-notch condition so that they can keep their home nice and comfortable. However, just like every other appliance, your HVAC system can break down, malfunction, and require repair and maintenance. When it comes to this, it is critical to know when to call an HVAC technician versus when you can DIY repair.

While there are some repair tasks that you can handle on your own, others require the expertise of a professional. Thus, it is important to know the difference so that you can save time, and money, and prevent further damage to your HVAC system. In this blog post, we will tell you more about when to call an HVAC technician and when you can DIY your HVAC repair.

To learn more or contact the heating and air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis for your HVAC maintenance and service needs, call or contact us online today.

When Should You Call an HVAC Technician

While things like changing the filter or cleaning your vents are easy to do on your own, for many more complicated HVAC repairs or maintenance, it is best left to the professionals. The following are some things that you should call in a professional HVAC technician to handle.

  • When you need to install a new system: It is best to avoid trying to install a new HVAC system on your own. Licensed and certified technicians know their way around all kinds of HVAC equipment and will be able to install the system safely and quickly. Plus professional installation ensures that your warranties remain intact, as DIY installation can void these manufacturers warranties.
  • When you are hearing strange and loud noises in your HVAC unit: Are you hearing any unusual sounds coming out from your HVAC system? If yes, it could be a sign of a potentially serious issue. Trying to diagnose and fix the problem yourself could end up causing even more damage and be costly to repair. So, this is the right time to call an HVAC technician.
  • When there is a refrigerant leak: If you are wondering when to call an HVAC technician, a refrigerant leak can be the right reason. Refrigerant leaks are dangerous, cause health hazards, and harm the environment. Thus, they should always be handled by a professional.
  • When you need annual HVAC maintenance: Annual preventative maintenance will keep your HVAC system running and ensure your warranty remains valid. However, you should not try to do your HVAC annual maintenance on your own, especially when it comes to the internal components. This is best handled by a professional technician.

When You Can DIY Repair

When Should You Call an HVAC Technician

The following are some simple HVAC maintenance tasks that you can undertake on your own. However, if you need help, feel free to reach out to our professionals as well.

  • Change air filters: Changing air filters is a simple task that you can handle on your own. This should be done every 1 to 3 months. Doing so can keep your HVAC system in top-notch condition, improve air quality, and reduce the chances of frequent breakdowns.
  • Cleaning ducts and vents: Over time, your vents and ducts can become clogged with dust, dirt, and debris. This can decrease the efficiency of your HVAC system. You can use a vacuum or duster to regularly clean your vents and ducts.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Schedule Your HVAC Repair and Maintenance in St. Louis

It is essential to recognize when to contact an HVAC technician for service and repair rather than attempting to do a DIY job. Handling complicated repairs without the help of a professional may be hazardous, can cause fire hazards, and might potentially cause extra harm to your HVAC system. Therefore, it is always best to seek the assistance of an HVAC specialist to guarantee optimal performance and efficiency.

If you are looking for reliable and affordable HVAC repair and maintenance service in St. Louis, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons. Our team of expert heating and air conditioning technicians will help offer comprehensive repair and maintenance solutions to keep your system running optimally.

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