Understanding the High Cost of Poor Workplace Temperature Control

Cost of Poor Workplace Temperature Control

You may not think that workplace temperature has a major influence on productivity, but comfort plays a huge role not only in day-to-day productivity but in retaining talent as well. In fact, workplace temperature is both the number one and number two most common complaint about work environments. Too-cold offices are number one, and too-hot workspaces take second place. Either way, it is clear that workplace temperature can really affect your bottom line. So, you should make sure your workplace heating & air conditioning system is up to the task and have it maintenance often to keep things comfortable.

How Does Workplace Temperature Impact Productivity?

There are a few different ways in which workplace temperature can affect productivity. First, an uncomfortable workplace temperature is distracting to employees, which can lead to increased mistakes and less attention to detail. A Cornell study estimated that companies can actually save as much as $2 per hour just by keeping workplace temperature comfortable. Beyond reducing mistakes, a comfortable workplace temperature has also been shown to enhance creativity and innovation. Again, when workers are not distracted by discomfort, they are better able to focus on tasks and think deeply about problems.

Finally, workplace temperature and overall comfort significantly impact employee retention. Most workers consider the comfort of a working environment when deciding between jobs, and are more likely to leave a job if they do not find the working environment comfortable enough. Plus, they are more likely to recommend an employer to others if they find the workplace pleasant and comfortable. No one wants to spend resources on AC or furnace replacement costs until it is actually necessary, but if your system is not keeping employees comfortable enough, that may be enough to justify the expense.

Take Control of Your Workplace

Workplace Temperature Control Issues

Because office buildings usually have multiple tenants and the tenants or owners change out often, it is hard to keep track of how old the furnace actually is. Many office buildings have furnaces that are over 15 years old. At this age, furnaces simply do not work as well as they have before, and you might stand to save by replacing your office HVAC system. Not only will a better furnace boost office productivity by keeping the workplace temperature comfortable, but a new furnace will also be much more energy efficient than one that old. Plus, older units need more maintenance and repair, so a new furnace can actually help you save in a few different ways.

If a new furnace is not in the stars, regular HVAC maintenance can help you keep workplace temperatures under control. Regular cleaning and inspection will keep your HVAC running smoothly and help maintain even workplace temperature regulation. You can also look into new programmable thermostats for savings. A programmable thermostat makes it easy to set different temperatures for different times of the day and will even give you detailed statistics on how you use your office heating & air conditioning system.

Learn More About Setting the Right Workplace Temperatures

For more information about creating comfortable workplace temperatures, or to schedule a heating & air conditioning maintenance appointment for your commercial office space of building, connect with us today! In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, the professionals at Galmiche & Sons look forward to helping you with your HVAC needs.

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