How to Know if It is Time for Air Conditioner Replacement

Air Conditioner Replacement

Air conditioner replacement can be a big investment, and some will put it off again and again, trying to use repairs to avoid the inevitable. Eventually though, your air conditioner will stop working completely, and you do not want to wait until a catastrophic breakdown to think about air conditioner replacement.

Not only does preemptive air conditioner replacement avoid the scenario where you are without AC on a sweltering day, it can actually be cost effective too in that a well-functioning AC unit will keep your energy bills down. Plus, with a catastrophic failure, there is some risk of additional damage to your home or HVAC system that you want to avoid. All in all, it is worth considering air conditioner replacement any time your air conditioner needs repair, and a heating & air conditioning professional can help you determine if it is time to replace.

In the greater St. Louis area, Galmiche & Sons can help. Connect with us today to schedule an appointment for our professional technicians to take a look at your system and help you determine if it is time for air conditioner replacement.

Air Conditioner Repair vs. Air Conditioner Replacement

Air Conditioner Replacement in St. Louis

The simplest indicator that you need air conditioner replacement is if your unit if more than 15 years old. The National Association of Home Builders gives the average air conditioner a life span of 10-15 years. So if your unit is more than 15 years old, it’s more than likely you need a replacement.

The other way to tell is by doing a quick cost calculation. While repairs may be cheaper this time around, an old air conditioner is only going to need more and more work the older it gets. So, the way to think about repair cost is by factoring in age as well. Multiply the cost of the proposed repairs by the age of the unit in years. If the resulting cost is more than the cost of replacement, it is time for a new air conditioner.

Replacing Your Air Conditioner

Once you have determined that an air conditioner replacement is the right choice for you, it is time to pick out a new unit. Rather than viewing this as a setback, you can take it as an opportunity to make changes, upgrades, and adjustments to your HVAC system. It is likely that more energy efficient models have come onto the market since your last install, and upgrading can help you save on energy costs down the line. Plus, there are sometimes rebates available for energy efficient purchases that can help take the sting out of that replacement cost.

You will also want to make sure you have the right size AC during the replacement process. It is amazing how many homes have the wrong size air conditioner, and are paying extra in energy fees and maintenance because of this. An air conditioner replacement is a great opportunity to fix this common problem.

Important Factors to Consider Regarding Air Conditioner Replacement

When picking out new air conditioners, there are a lot of things you will want to consider before making a decision. Of course, energy efficiency and size are the big ones, but you can also look at things like air quality ratings to make your decision. It is possible your new AC unit can help lessen your allergies and other health problems if you know what to look for.

Learn More About Getting the Right Air Conditioner Replacement

To learn more about air conditioner replacement, and talk to our team of heating & air conditioning professionals to help you make the most cost effective choice for your home, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons today.

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