HVAC Life Expectancy: What You Need to Know

HVAC Life Expectancy | St. Louis HVAC Company

According to statistics from the US Department of Energy on HVAC life expectancy, AC units should last about anywhere from 15 – 20 years when properly installed and maintained. A furnace lasts about 20 years with favorable upkeep and proper installation. The key takeaway is “properly installed and maintained”. Every homeowner should have some sort of reminder to get their HVAC system professionally inspected with the changes of each season. This will help ensure that your system is ready for the tough season ahead and will help prevent breakdowns or excessive wear and tear.

We have put together a helpful article below of considerations that will help increase your HVAC life expectancy and hopefully save you money on expensive repairs in the long run. To get an expert opinion on your HVAC system or to book an appointment for HVAC service or repair, contact our St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts today!

Proper Maintenance and Repair to Extend HVAC Life Expectancy

Unless you lucked out and purchased your home from someone who is really good about keeping records, you most likely have no idea what sort of maintenance (if any) has been done to your HVAC unit. Regardless, you should be diligent about regular inspections and repairing your HVAC unit so that small problems do not have the chance to turn into large HVAC life expectancy-shortening issues.

Proper maintenance and repair will ensure maximum HVAC life expectancy, and minimum cost to you. Things like keeping your equipment clean and checking for broken seals or parts can reduce strain on your HVAC system – as well as your wallet.

Situations that Affect HVAC Life Expectancy

HVAC Life Expectancy & Replacement

It is important to always be aware of the average HVAC life expectancy so you can make sure to budget for upcoming repairs and worst-case scenario replacement. HVAC systems can vary from unit to unit, so if yours was not installed properly you could experience reduced life expectancy. On the other hand, when properly installed and maintained, your HVAC system can often last far longer than expected.

When HVAC Life Expectancy Runs Out – Replacement

If your HVAC company finds a major problem with your unit, whether or not you choose to repair or replace it will largely depend on your budget. Additionally, the age of your system should also play a large role in your decision. For an older HVAC unit towards the end of its life expectancy, it may be cheaper to just replace it. Plus, the cost savings from the efficiency alone of a newer unit may be worth the upgrade. Knowing how old your existing system is will help you determine the remaining HVAC life expectancy – so always be sure to keep paperwork and other records detailing repairs and maintenance.

Learn More About HVAC Life Expectancy from the Experts

At Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling, we have over 60 years of HVAC experience both with residential and commercial equipment in St. Louis. We will help you determine the best HVAC solution to meet your energy usage, budget, and environmental needs. No job is too big or too small for us! To learn more, contact one of our heating & air conditioning experts today either online or by calling (314) 993-1110.

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