Air Conditioner Troubleshooting: Diagnosing Common Air Conditioner Problems

Diagnosing Air Conditioner Problems

There are a few common air conditioner problems that you can expect to deal with at some point in the life of your HVAC system. Unfortunately, just about every air conditioner needs repairs now and then, no matter how well you take care of it. Thankfully, though, there is a lot you can do to prevent air conditioner problems as well as deal with them quickly when they do come up.

One way you can prevent problems from getting out of hand is by making sure you schedule an air conditioning tune up at least once a year. During this time, your heating & air conditioning service professional can make sure everything is working well, replace air filters, and catch any problems that may develop down the line. Like many things, when it comes to air conditioning maintenance, prevention is key.

An Easy Fix or A Bigger Issue?

Troubleshooting Air Conditioner Problems

There are a lot of different types of air conditioner problems. Maybe the house is not cooling to the set temperature, or you are dealing with an unbalanced cooling pattern. To some, this might seem like a small problem, but until a service professional takes a look at your machine, you won’t know if the cause is something benign like a dirty air filter, or something more serious. In fact, a lot of common air conditioner problems create similar effects, so it is important to get your air conditioner checked out as soon as possible.

Beyond this, even small issues can quickly become big ones. If airflow is blocked or misdirected by your duct system, this will lead to components in your system working a lot harder than they need to — and potentially breaking because of it. Knowing about some common air conditioner problems can help you spot a problem before it gets that bad.

Common Air Conditioner Problems

So what air conditioner problems are you likely to run into? Here are three issues that most often come up:

  • System Shuts Off Before a Full Cycle: There are a few reasons why your air conditioner might not run through a full cycle before turning off. Often, the cause of this problem is either dirty parts or humidity. This can also be a sign you have an oversized air conditioner though. If your unit is too big for your home, it will cool too quickly, and end up costing you in energy bills.
  • No Cool Air: If your unit seems to be working, but no cool air is coming out, the problem is likely with your refrigerant. You might have a refrigerant leak or simply need more added. An HVAC service professional can check this for you.
  • Uneven Cooling: If your air conditioner is cooling only some rooms or otherwise seems unbalanced, this could be due to dirty air filters, problems with a component, or even an unbalanced HVAC system. Your local heating and air conditioning professionals should be able to diagnose the problem and the best solution.

Have Air Conditioner Problems? What’s Next?

For all of these problems and more, your HVAC professional can help you pinpoint exactly where your air conditioner problems are coming from, and come up with a plan to fit it. To schedule a service appointment in St. Louis or learn more about common air conditioner problems, get in touch with our heating & air conditioning experts today.

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