How Much Does New Furnace Replacement Cost?

Figuring out your exact furnace replacement cost can be tricky, but it is also an important part of assessing whether you should replace your furnace or not. Furnace replacement can be a major investment, so many do not want to replace a furnace until it poses a danger or when the cost of repair becomes greater than the furnace replacement cost. So, if your furnace isn’t posing risks yet, determining the cost of replacement is an important step in deciding whether to replace it or not.

New Furnace Replacement Cost

Overall, a new furnace costs around $3,500 on average, but different options range in price, from $1,500 to over $6,000. Understanding the different options as they relate to your heating & air conditioning needs can help you make the right decision about replacing your furnace.

Is It Time To Replace? Comparing the Costs

Of course, the biggest consideration when deciding whether to replace your furnace is not the furnace replacement cost, but whether the furnace is still safe to operate and working correctly. Many home heating fires are caused by worn out or under-serviced furnaces, so before you think about the cost directly, if your furnace is no longer working safely, think about the risk to your home.

From there, there are a few things you can look out for in order to determine if a furnace replacement makes sense for you. Even if your furnace is still safe to operate, it might not make financial sense. If your furnace needs constant repairs or is outdated to the point that repairs are costly and complicated, the furnace replacement cost might be worth it. Similarly, you should think about how your furnace impacts your energy use. If the savings you will see on energy costs are high enough, this alone can be enough to justify the furnace replacement cost that goes along with a more energy-efficient upgrade.

Major Factors in Furnace Replacement Cost

What Does Furnace Replacement Cost

What actually affects furnace replacement costs? Perhaps the most obvious is energy output and efficiency. Larger units that can put out more heat are going to be more expensive. Similarly, more energy-efficient units will also be more expensive on average. Although there are some efficiency grant and rebate programs available that may offset the cost on efficient devices.

A, perhaps less obvious, furnace replacement cost to consider is installation. This will vary based on whether or not changes need to be made to your ductwork, as well as factors like the outlay of your home.

You will also want to think about the energy source used. While electric furnaces are cheaper to buy and install, they will cost you a lot more in the long term than gas heating. So, you should weigh these different factors against each other to determine the best way for you to save on furnace replacement costs.

Learn More About Furnace Replacement Costs

If you need help determining the right replacement furnace for you, or figuring out if a replacement is the right option, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons and we will help you assess your options.

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