Is Your Air Conditioning Making You Sick?

Is Your Air Conditioning Making You Sick

Have you ever noticed yourself feeling stuffy or sick after being inside for a while? Air conditioning making you sick is more common than people realize. Generally, air conditioners are meant to purify the air in your home and keep you cool. But sometimes, your air conditioning making you sick becomes a reality. Poor air quality or neglected maintenance are often the sources of air conditioning causing sickness. This can be a very serious matter for people with underlying health issues.

If air conditioning making you sick is something you are worried about or if you have any heating & air conditioning queries, give us a call in St. Louis today at 314-993-1110.

Is Air Conditioning Making You Sick? Here’s Why

When people start to come down with a cold or just generally feel sick, the last place they expect it to have come from is their heating and cooling system. There are several reasons why your air conditioning making you sick occurs.

  • Airborne Allergens – Allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander make their way into your HVAC system through a variety of ways. These harmful elements can lead to all manner of illness, such as sinus problems or stuffy noses.
  • Presence of Mold – If air conditioning making you sick is a concern you have, then it is important be able to recognize the presence of mold in your system. It often occurs in dark or hidden corners and, if not seen, can spread. It can spread spores via your HVAC ducts. If you notice a persistent musty or moist smell, it could be mold in your air conditioning making you sick.
  • Lack off Air Purification System – If your HVAC system is not equipped with an air purifier, it could be contributing to air conditioning making you sick. Air purifiers help to remove harmful allergens and pathogens from air in your home. These elements directly contribute to sickness in the home.
  • Pet Dander – Oftentimes, many pet owners do not realize the effects pet dander has on their health. Pet dander can get into your HVAC system and be a root cause of sickness or allergies. Keeping your home clean can really help to prevent pet dander from spreading.

How to Prevent Your Air Conditioner from Getting You Sick

Why is Your Air Conditioning Making You Sick

There are several simple steps you can take to reduce the occurrence of air conditioner sickness. An immediate solution is to regularly dust and vacuum, especially if you have a pet. Another step is to replace your filters more regularly and schedule a duct cleaning. You could also install an air purifier to improve your indoor air quality.

Put a Stop to Air Conditioning Making You Sick with Help from the Professionals

At Galmiche & Sons, we are here to help you maximize health and air quality in your home. We can help you prevent your air conditioner from getting you sick. If you would like to learn more or to speak to someone about ways to prevent air conditioner sickness, please give us a call at 314-993-1110. We are the leading heating & air conditioning experts in St. Louis, and we are ready to help.

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