Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

Tips for Creating a More Efficient Smart Home

The rise of smart devices and the internet of things has made life more comfortable than ever and helped millions of people save time, energy, and money by taking control of their home. In the modern smart home, you can find controls for lighting, cameras, locks, and more. Every day more amenities are wired into the smart device network. This helps you as a homeowner control how much energy you use and allows you to adjust settings from your phone, tablet, computer, or even with voice commands. Now, smart HVAC devices are available too, giving you precise control of the temperature in your home along with many useful features. These energy-saving HVAC upgrades integrate well with existing smart device networks and will help you manage home heating & air conditioning for maximum savings and comfort.

Add HVAC Control to Your Smart Home

These days, a lot of high end HVAC units come with option to integrate a smart thermostat or other smart device controls. There is a lot you can do with a smart thermostat, and these are beginning to replace programmable thermostats as the standard for optimum home comfort.

Here are a few reasons why a smart thermostat is one of the best HVAC upgrades for your smart home:

  • Smart thermostats can learn your HVAC use habits and, after a short calibration period, use data to predict when you will need temperature adjustments. This saves you energy and money by using only as much power as is needed to keep your home comfortable, never running the AC too long or forgetting to re-adjust the temperature.
  • You can change the temperature from devices, which is one of the best features of a smart home with an integrated HVAC system. If you leave the heat on before leaving for a trip, for instance, you can turn it off digitally using a smart device.
  • Some smart homes can even be equipped to target different temperatures in different areas of the house, using room-by-room data made possible through smart thermostats and other HVAC upgrades. Creating zones with a smart HVAC system is great for large homes especially, and is one of the most advanced uses of smart home technology.

Energy Saving HVAC Upgrades

Efficient Smart Home: HVAC Upgrades

Of course, one of the main reasons to invest in a smart HVAC system is the finer control over temperature, which translates to a lot of energy and cost savings. Since heating and cooling account for a great deal of energy cost, HVAC upgrades that utilize smart technology are one of the best ways to control energy consumption in your home and lower your utility bills. Smart homes have made our lives easier in so many ways, and the smart HVAC devices available today are continuing the trend. From voice control over temperature to humidity data tracking, everyone with a smart home should consider integrating the heating & air conditioning system into their smart device network.

Learn More About HVAC Upgrades and Smart Homes

If you are in the market for HVAC upgrades and are interested in finding out more about smart home technology, please give us a call any time. We have proudly served St. Louis’ heating & air conditioning needs since we opened our doors over 60 years ago. We look forward to helping your family!

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