Where is the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home?

When it comes to maximizing your home’s energy efficiency and keeping it adequately warm or cool, your thermostat’s placement can make a huge difference. Choosing the best thermostat placement can guarantee your HVAC system is working at its best and keeping your home cozy all year. On the other hand, incorrect placement can often cause inadequate heating or cooling, and can even increase your energy bills.

But, where is the best thermostat placement in your home? Read this blog post to find out!

Where is the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home?

To learn more and for help choosing the best placement for your thermostat in your home, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons. Serving St. Louis since 1950, we are experts when it comes to all things HVAC and can help you make the best choices for HVAC system performance and efficiency.

Choosing the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home: Important Tips and Tricks

Choosing the Best Thermostat Placement in Your Home: Important Tips and Tricks

The following are some tips and recommendations to help you when choosing the best place for thermostat installation in your home or business.

  • Place your thermostat in a central location: If you are looking for the best thermostat placement, nothing can beat the spot in the middle of your home, where it will not be affected by drafts or extreme temperatures. Doing this will make sure your thermostat is giving you an exact reading of the temperature in your house. Further, it will also ensure that it gives the best average temperature.
  • Choose an interior wall: It is a good idea to put your thermostat on an inner wall instead of an outer wall. This is because exterior walls are more susceptible to changes in the outside temperature, which can cause your thermostat to read an incorrect temperature.
  • Select a frequently used room or location: Another option for the best thermostat placement is the most frequently used room in your house or commercial building. For example, you can place it in your living room or your building’s sitting area. Doing so will ensure the temperature in these rooms is most comfortable and that your HVAC system is working efficiently.
  • Install your thermostat at eye level: While deciding on the best thermostat placement, make sure that your thermostat is placed at eye level. Having your thermostat at eye level makes it easier to read and adjust. Moreover, doing so also prevents your thermostat from being bumped accidentally by kids or pets.
  • Avoid placing it in naturally warm rooms or direct sunlight: Lastly, when you are choosing the best thermostat placement, you need to ensure to keep the thermostat away from naturally warm rooms like the kitchen or bathroom. Further, make sure it is not installed in a spot that receives bright, direct sunlight. This can cause your thermostat to record a higher temperature than the rest of your home, ultimately leading to overuse of your HVAC unit.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Get Your Thermostat Installed in Your St. Louis Home

If you are planning to install a thermostat in your home or building, don’t forget to follow the above-mentioned guidelines. This will ensure that your HVAC system is working efficiently and that you can stay comfortable throughout the year.

If you are looking for professionals that can help you with top-notch thermostat installation or HVAC maintenance in St. Louis, Galmiche & Sons have you covered! We are a local HVAC company that has been in business since 1950. Since then, Galmiche & Sons has been committed to providing friendly, reliable, and professional service to the residents of St. Louis. Whether you need help installation the best smart thermostat or you want to improve efficiency of your HVAC system, contact us today to learn more!

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