Why is My HVAC Unit So Loud? Common Causes for a Loud HVAC

Causes for a Loud HVAC

In the love-hate relationship we sometimes have with our HVAC units, one of the frustrating questions you may find yourself asking is “WHY is my HVAC unit SO loud?” The reality is your loud HVAC unit may be occurring for a few different reasons. In this article, we explore some of these potential causes.

If you are having trouble understanding why your HVAC unit is loud during its operation, and you would like help resolving the issue, contact Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today. When it comes to your loud HVAC unit, we speak its language and are ready to help you take care of your heating & air conditioning problems as soon as you need it.

What’s Causing Your Loud HVAC Unit?

Why is My HVAC Loud

When your HVAC unit does not appear to be functioning as it should, it is, of course, a cause for concern. However, some noise is not a reason to be alarmed. A quiet, continuous hum is to be expected when your unit is running. It is simply a signal that your system is functioning. There are, however, some loud HVAC noises that should concern you. For example, the following are some noises to watch out for:

  • Indoor Units:
    • Squealing, rattling, screeching, banging – These types of noises from your indoor unit usually signal a problem with a belt or perhaps a bad bearing in one of the motors. Luckily, it does not typically mean an expensive fix is headed your way. Rather, it is likely just a minor part replacement that is required.
    • Clicking – A constant clicking inside your home often signals an issue with your thermostat, relaying a problem between the thermostat and the HVAC system communicating.
  • Outdoor Units:
    • Rattling – A loud or sudden rattle from your HVAC unit is typically the result of debris from the outdoors, such as twigs or branches, getting caught in the exhaust fan. If you think there may be some kind of obstruction, you can turn the power to the exterior unit off and investigate. If you notice any damage to moving parts, or bent metal, if is best to call an experienced HVAC technician.
  • Vents and Registers:
    • Hissing – A noticeable hiss can be a cause for concern as it may signal improperly sealed ductwork or a coolant leak.
    • High-pitched vibrating – This irritating sound often signifies a lack of return air because too many vents are either closed or blocked. It could also be due to improperly installed ductwork.

Regardless of the reason for your loud HVAC system noises, in more cases than not, it is best to contact a professional technician regarding your concerns. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, Galmiche & Sons is here to help, so contact us with all your HVAC maintenance needs.

Contact Us to Get Your Loud HVAC Problems Solved in St. Louis

You have been trying hard to ignore that loud noise coming from your heating & air conditioning unit for long enough now. Give Galmiche & Sons a call today at 314-993-1110 to solve your loud HVAC system problems and restore peace, quiet, and comfort in your home!

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