Improve Indoor Air in Your Home Office for Improved Health and Productivity

Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home Office

Working from home comes with so many advantages. However, the air quality in your home office has a big impact on how productive you are going to be. Whether you have a whole room to yourself or just an area set aside for your home office, improving the indoor air quality in your work area is important. So how do you go about improving the indoor air? Read on to find out more.

Meanwhile, if you are experiencing any problems with your HVAC system, Galmiche & Sons will be glad to help. We have been serving the St. Louis area since 1950 and have worked hard to earn the trust of the residents of St. Louis and the greater region. Our heating & air conditioning experts are specially trained to handle all HVAC problems including how to improve indoor air. Give us a call today at 314-993-1110 to schedule your first appointment.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home Office

Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Home Office

By improving the indoor air in your home office, you will also improve the indoor air in the rest of the house by extension. Here are some of the ways that you can do this:

  • Install an air purifier: Having an air purifier installed in your home office will improve your indoor air greatly. The air purifier will trap dust, remove odors, and even kill germs in the air and on the surfaces. With a whole house purifier, you can have an easier time breathing as you work from anywhere in your house.
  • Use a dust cloth: Most home offices are usually cluttered and this is a perfect place for dust to accumulate. Working from a place that has an accumulation of dust is not very healthy. To improve the indoor air in your home office, you can use a microfiber dust cloth to clean the surfaces. Because the dust accumulates so fast, you will have to do this on a regular basis.
  • Change the filters: Even with a whole-house air purifier, clogged filters will still pose a problem. Cleaning and changing the filters in your HVAC system and its components often can have a big impact on improving the indoor air. The filters can be changed as often as you need to. However, if you have pets, you will probably want to change them every 30-60 days.
  • Get a plant: The good thing about getting a desk plant is that they add to the aesthetics while helping to improve your indoor air. Some green plants are even known to absorb harmful chemicals. If you do not know where to start with this, a small pot fern is always a good option.

Let Galmiche & Sons Improve Your Indoor Air

Ultimately, the best way to ensure your indoor air is of great quality is by having regular maintenance checks. Galmiche & Sons offers this as one of the ways to improve the indoor air in your home office. In St. Louis, you can call our heating & air conditioning experts at 314-993-1110 to book an appointment today.

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