Getting an Air Conditioning Estimate: Top Questions to Ask

Air Conditioning Estimate in St. Louis

Did you know that utility bills account for one of the highest expenses in a household after the mortgage? A major contributor to utility bills is central air conditioning. Older systems are less reliable and energy efficient, which can increase your monthly spending when keeping the house at a comfortable temperature. If you have a dated air conditioning unit you are interested in replacing, it is a wise move to obtain an air conditioning estimate from several sources before making your decision.

Make sure to contact a professional licensed HVAC company to get an air conditioning estimate, as they have the knowledge to determine the best unit for your household, take into account your needs, and help you with questions every step of the way. After providing an estimate for an air conditioning unit, the professionals will be able to easily install it correctly to keep your home cool and comfortable for many summers.

Contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis at 314-993-1110 or fill out a hassle-free quote form to learn more about getting an air conditioning estimate for your home.

Asking All the Right Questions When Getting an Estimate for A New Air Conditioning Unit

When you are considering buying a new air conditioner, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to start, so begin with asking your friends and family around the St. Louis area for recommendations on who has installed or done maintenance on their cooling units. Utilize the Internet to research companies and read their customer’s reviews. Use this knowledge to prepare a comprehensive list of questions to ask when you call for an air conditioning estimate.

We have compiled a list of initial and follow up questions that you should consider and ask when getting an estimate for a new air conditioner in St. Louis.

Questions to Ask When Getting an Air Conditioning Estimate

Air Conditioning Estimate - Questions to Ask

  1. How big of a unit do I need? How does your company decide what size or output of air conditioning unit will best cool my house? To better educate yourself on what calculations professionals use when determining an air conditioning estimate, take a look at our Air Conditioner Sizing article.
  2. Will my current ductwork be sufficient? Will you need to incorporate additional ducts and does the current ductwork need to be replaced or repaired? Will you be able to clean the ductwork during installation?
  3. Is your company bonded and insured? Can you provide proof and will you be giving my air conditioning estimate in writing along with any terms and conditions we discussed in the initial conversation?
  4. What are the newest technology advances worth considering? Tell me more about ductless systems and potential accessories such as digital or remote-operated thermostats that will upgrade my unit and ease of use. For example, look into single-stage versus variable speed units when getting an air conditioning estimate.
  5. What options are energy efficient? Tell me about units that are energy saving, such as what the SEER rating is for each unit. Can I expect the unit to lower my utility bills? What is the estimate for an air conditioner unit that is energy efficient versus a standard unit?
  6. Which brands do you carry? Is there a specific reason you prefer the brands you carry versus the other ones available?
  7. Are tax credits or rebates offered when you install a new system for my home and will that be factored into the air conditioning estimate?
  8. Will you be in charge of obtaining permits? Will you be sure to get necessary approval from local St. Louis authorities?
  9. How do you handle payments? Do you or the manufacturer have the option to finance a new unit and the accompanying installation costs?
  10. What is your unit and installation warranty? Do you include or offer service contracts for future maintenance needs?
  11. How long does installation take? What is the timeframe from initial conversation to completion of the installation? Are you able to dispose of the old unit and is that included in the initial air conditioning estimate or available for an additional charge? Will you be in charge of cleanup and will the affected area be returned to the same state as pre-installation?

Finding a Trustworthy Company for Your Air Conditioning Estimate and Installation

If the HVAC company providing the estimate for an air conditioner is creditable, they will happily answer the above questions and any additional inquiries you ask them. They should also eagerly provide references from homeowners they have serviced around St. Louis.

Having the right questions before calling will help the HVAC company get a sense of your household’s needs for an air conditioning estimate and assist you in choosing the most qualified company for installation and most ideal unit to keep your home cool for many years.

Get an Air Conditioning Estimate Today!

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, call us at 314-993-1110 or use our online contact form to ask us any of your heating & air conditioning questions or to get your free air conditioning estimate!

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