Buying a New Air Conditioner: Single-Stage vs. Variable-Speed AC Unit

Single-Stage vs. Variable-Speed AC Unit in St. Louis

When looking for your new AC unit, you will see a lot of information about Energy Star, SEER Rating, and similar industry speak pertaining to the energy efficiency of air conditioners. What makes an air conditioner energy efficient in a nutshell is the ratio of how much energy it produces compared to how much it uses.

One of the ways different models achieve energy savings is in how their fan motors operate, specifically whether they are single-stage or variable speed. You will find that AC units that use less energy will cost more up-front, but what you really need to determine is, “Is it worth it to spend more now to save?”

 Single-Stage vs. Variable Speed AC Units – How Do They Work?

Although the complexities of how an AC unit cycles refrigerant to remove humidity and cool the air can be difficult to comprehend, the differences between single-stage and variable speed air conditioners are not:

  • Single-Stage AC Units have only two settings, either ‘on’ or ‘off’, ‘stop’ or ‘go’
  • Variable Speed AC Units use a fan motor that has the ability to operate at multiple different speeds

At first glance, you would not think the fan motor of an AC unit would be a deal breaker or a big source of energy savings for that matter. In reality though, it is.

Why Is One Type of AC Unit Fan Motor Recommended Over the Other?

Essentially a single-stage AC unit only has one speed. It will turn on, immediately power up to full capacity, and shut down when thermostat requirements are met. Therefore, it will actually operate less than its counterpart. While this may seem preferable to a variable speed unit that operates at lower settings for a longer period of time, in actuality, it is not.

On/off cycles are very hard on an AC unit and they are a substantial power drain, additionally, the more frequently they occur, they do not condition the air as well. A variable speed motor that runs longer but at lower speeds has more time to remove humidity from the room and spread cooled air while consuming less power. Plus, the consistency of a variable speed motor creates zoned cooling capabilities.

Single-Stage and Variable Speed AC Unit Price Points

Buying an AC Unit

Often times many consumers are turned away by the higher initial costs of a variable speed AC unit in comparison to a single-speed model. However, they are not seeing the long term big picture. For one, lower utility bills from turning on and off less will pay back the price differential in a few short years. Variable speed components also have a tendency to last longer because they are operating in a more controlled manner. Finally, variable speed AC units create a more comfortable home that is less apt for mold and mildew growth – a benefit worth the price difference itself.

Choose the Best New AC Unit with Help from Galmiche & Sons

If you are in the market for a new AC unit, call the experts at Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling in St. Louis today. Our heating & air conditioning professionals can help you choose the AC unit that best fits your home and make sure it runs in top condition for years to come!

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