Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Why Should You Upgrade Your Heater

Wondering if you should upgrade your heater this winter? While heating systems are designed to last for a long time, they can develop problems like most other appliances. An old furnace may not be heating your home as it used to, or you may find yourself calling up HVAC professionals frequently for repairs. A unit that is not functioning properly will also use up more energy to heat your home, boosting your energy bills every month.

If you suspect that your furnace may be due for replacement, the experts at Galmiche & Sons can help you. Call or contact our heating and air conditioning professionals online to schedule your St. Louis HVAC service.

Signs You Need To Upgrade Your Heater

Here are the signs of a failing heater that you cannot ignore:

Your Furnace Is Aging

The life expectancy of furnaces ranges from 15 to 25 years. The older your heating systems, the more the chances of it breaking down. The best way to avoid going without heat during the winter is to upgrade your heater to a modern, more efficient one.

Even if you aren’t currently experiencing problems with your furnace, you may want to upgrade your heater soon if your furnace is well past its prime, as this will ensure efficiency and performance.

You Have a Furnace with Low AFUE Ratings

A furnace’s efficiency is reflected by its annual fuel utilization efficiency or AFUE. This number indicates how much fuel is used by the furnace for heating your home in the winter. For instance, a high-efficiency furnace that has 98 percent AFUE generates 98 BTUs of heat per 100 BTUs of the fuel it uses. The rest of the fuel (gas) is lost due to flue emissions or outdoors. A furnace with a higher AFUE has higher efficiency.

Higher efficiency furnaces are also the key to lowering your energy costs and prolonging the system’s lifespan. Older heating systems may have a lower AFUE rating of between 56 and 70 percent that could be increasing your energy bills.

A top reason to upgrade your heater is to invest in an energy-efficient option that lowers utility bills while ensuring efficient heating in your home.

Your Energy Bills Are Rising

When Should You Upgrade Your Heater

If you have a furnace with a high AFUE but are experiencing steadily rising energy bills, the culprits could be worn-out equipment, faulty parts, or a dirty air filter. Neglecting the annual maintenance of your furnace can also make your furnace inefficient. The harder the furnace has to work, the higher the gas bill each month.

Uneven Heating from Your Furnace

If some areas or rooms are colder than others, they are indicative of uneven heating, a sure sign that you need to upgrade your heater. Your heating system is not able to function efficiently and is not distributing warm air across the home.

Frequent Heating System Repairs

An efficient furnace not only saves money when it comes to your energy bills but helps you avoid frequent repairs. If you find yourself frequently calling your furnace repair professionals, it is time to upgrade your heater.

Contact Us to Upgrade Your Heater This Winter

If you notice any one or more of the above-listed signs, it is time to upgrade your heater to a newer, more efficient model. At Galmiche & Sons, we will help you choose the right heating system for your home that optimizes your comfort while saving money on repairs and energy bills. Give us a call or contact our heating and air conditioning experts in St. Louis today to upgrade your heater.

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