How to Use Ceiling Fans to Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency

Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency with Ceiling Fans

Air conditioner efficiency is important when the temperature rises. With summer just around the corner, you can expect your air conditioning unit to work even harder to provide comfort in your home. This typically results in higher energy bills. However, by using a ceiling fan as an accompaniment to your air conditioner, you can help your air conditioner to work more efficiently and reduce the costs associated with cooling your home. A fact that many people overlook is that a ceiling fan is very efficient at circulating the air downwards to create a draft in a room, increasing air conditioner efficiency.

How Does This Work?

You can greatly improve the air conditioner efficiency of a room simply by pairing your A/C unit with a ceiling fan. Most ceiling fans have two settings: either clockwise or counterclockwise, with each setting used depending on the season. Switching the ceiling fan to move counterclockwise will push the cool air towards your body, create a breeze throughout the room, and direct the hot air to move out to the sides of the room and up along the walls.

This will result to a room that feels cooler even at the same temperature and will lessen the load on your air conditioner, increasing efficiency. You can often turn up the thermostat by as much as 4°F without noticing because you will feel the same level of comfort thanks to the moving air. This allows you to cut down on your utility costs and lessen the carbon footprint of your home. So it is not really the ceiling fan itself that saves you money; but rather, the fact that it allows you to turn up your thermostat by several notches while remaining comfortable.

It is important to note that a ceiling fan does not actually lower the temperature in a room, but it does help spread the cooler air, increasing air conditioner efficiency. This means that you can turn it off when there’s no one in the room to lessen your energy consumption.

Learn More About Improving Air Conditioner Efficiency

Tips to Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency

Aside from installing ceiling fans in rooms that are frequently used in your home, another great way to improve air conditioner efficiency is to have your air conditioning unit serviced or maintained at least once a year, preferably during late spring to prepare for the onslaught of hot summer days in St. Louis. When it comes to air conditioner servicing, Galmiche & Sons has you covered with our impressive repertoire of services that will extend the life of your unit, allowing you to get the most out of it.

Achieve Maximum Air Conditioner Efficiency with Galmiche & Sons’ Help

If you are worried about high utility costs in the coming summer months, you should definitely consider installing ceiling fans in your rooms. If you want to learn more about how you can improve your air conditioner efficiency and cut down on your utility costs, contact us at one of St. Louis’ leading heating & air conditioning companies, Galmiche & Sons, at 314-993-1110.

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