What to Do About Ice on AC Coil

AC coils are designed to keep cool air circulating in your home. However, sometimes, AC coils can become frozen over with ice, which can cause your unit to overheat.

If you notice ice on your AC coil, there are some things you can do to get your AC working at its peak again. But, if you are wondering how to know if your AC is experiencing ice build-up, we will first talk about the signs to look for.

What to Do About Ice on AC Coil

To learn more or schedule professional heating and air conditioner service in the St. Louis area, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

How to Recognize Ice Build-Up on Your AC Coil

Here are a few symptoms to watch out for:

  • You can see ice buildup on your AC’s outdoor or indoor cabinet
  • Your AC constantly short cycles
  • Your AC is not producing cold air
  • You can see water spills from melting ice
  • Your energy bills are rising

Top Causes of Ice on AC Coils and Their Remedies

If you notice ice build up on your AC coils, you will need to know the cause in order to determine the best solution. Here are some common reasons for ice on AC coil and the steps you can take to address them:

  • Not enough refrigerant: The most common cause of ice on your AC coil is low refrigerant levels in your AC. Low levels of refrigerant will lower the pressure, which in turn, lowers temperatures, leading to ice formation. In addition to ice on AC coil, low refrigerant levels can damage other parts of the AC, particularly the compressor. As the refrigerant can no longer adequately cool the compressor down, the latter can burn out due to overheating. If you hear a hissing sound, it could be because of a refrigerant leak. For any issues related to the refrigerant, it is important to call a St. Louis air conditioner repair services provider right away.
  • Dirty air filter: A clogged air filter can prevent proper airflow through your system, leading to cold air getting stuck in the AC, and your AC working harder than it needs to. The cold air turns to ice and eventually freezes up your AC. Check the air filter and replace it regularly.
  • Poor airflow: Insufficient airflow can lower the temperature on the coils, then as the moisture in the air collects on them, this leads to a buildup of ice on the AC coil. Poor airflow is typically due to a dirty air filter but can also be due to damaged or improperly sized ductwork. It is best to contact a professional for replacing the damaged ductwork.
  • Blocked condensate lines: Condensate lines work to remove excess moisture that condenses into water and is carried through pipes to the drain. If the pipes are clogged, the water gets stuck in the pipes and can freeze, particularly if the clogs are close to the evaporator coil.

Prevent Ice Build-Up with Regular HVAC Maintenance

What to Do If You Notice Ice on Your AC Coil

Scheduling preventive AC maintenance by calling a reputed St. Louis HVAC professional is the best way to avoid issues such as ice on your AC coil.

At Galmiche & Sons, we offer top-notch heating and air-conditioner maintenance services that involve a complete evaluation of your AC. This includes air-filter replacement, cleaning of condensate lines and evaporator coils, fixing refrigerant leaks, and taking care of any other AC problem as needed. Give our us a call today to fix and prevent ice on the AC coil.

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