Common Situations When Ductless Mini Splits are the Best HVAC System

When Ductless Mini Splits are the Best HVAC System

Many people often assume that ductless mini splits are an HVAC system that is only used to cool or heat one room or area. However, there are many instances where ductless mini- splits may have a clear advantage over a central heating and cooling system. There are many factors to consider when trying to figure out the best HVAC system for your home. Depending on the given situation, a ductless mini split may be the best option for you.

Take the guess work out of deciding on which HVAC system is best for you. To get an idea of whether ductless mini splits will work for your home, give our heating & air conditioning experts a call at 314-993-1110.

Are Ductless Mini Splits the Best HVAC System for You?

A ductless system can make sense in many instances and are powerful enough to heat and cool entire houses year-round. While ductless systems can have certain advantages over central systems, depending on your situation at home, ductless mini splits may be your best option.

Here are some common situations when ductless may be the best HVAC system for you:

  • No existing ductwork – Houses that do not have any existing ductwork are often the best candidates for ductless HVAC systems. Installing ductwork is a costly process and ductless systems can save you time and money.
  • Extensions or new additions – If you are building a new addition to your home such garages, basements, or recreation rooms, ductless has a clear advantage in the fact that it can be sized for your new area. This will prevent any negative impact on your existing HVAC system.
  • Energy Consciousness – Oftentimes, larger homes will have unoccupied rooms that are being heated and cooled constantly. In an effort to reduce energy consumption, a ductless system can provide precise heating and cooling in certain areas while the main system runs at a minimal level, if at all.
  • Temperature zones – A ductless system is ideal for creating microclimates of temperature throughout a home. This helps to cater to each family member’s comfort level, allowing them to set their unit to their preferred temperature.

Choosing the Best HVAC System for Specific Temperature Problems

Are Ductless Mini Splits are the Best HVAC System

Almost every homeowner has a room or two in their house that is consistently either too hot or too cold. This can be very frustrating, especially if that room is a heavily used area like an office or living room. Ductless systems can balance out the temperature in these problem rooms, creating the ideal temperature for personal comfort.

Ductless Mini Splits Have Clear Advantages

At Galmiche & Sons, we believe in tailoring heating and cooling systems to fit each customer’s exact needs. Whether it is ductless mini splits or a central HVAC system, Galmiche & Sons has got you covered. Why not call us and we can help determine the best heating & air conditioning option for you. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, call us today at 314-993-1110, a customer service representative is standing by for your call.

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