Top 10 Air Purifier Benefits

Air Purifier Benefits

There are so many benefits of air purifiers, from improving the overall health of your home, to aiding in reducing allergy-causing particles, bad smells, and germs. An air purifier can be easily added to your St. Louis area home’s existing HVAC system to ensure clean air in your whole house. Learn more about air purifier benefits below, and contact our heating & air conditioning company today for a free quote!

How Does an Air Purifier Work?

The benefits of an air purifier are thanks in part to how the system works to clean the air in your home. Dust, pollen, and bacteria are removed from the air by a group of internal fans that force your home’s air through an array of filters in the air purifier. The air purifier filters are designed to capture particles that are too big to pass through the filter. The air purifier then circulates cleaned air back into your home.

Top Air Purifier Benefits

Top Air Purifier Benefits

Still unsure if it’s worth adding an air purifier to your home? Consider these 10 air purifiers benefits that can add to your life.

  • Generates clean air – There are several sources of air pollution in the home. Air purifier benefits start with making sure you, your family, and your pets are breathing clean air.
  • Reduces airborne allergens – As Americans, we love our cats and dogs. However, many people are allergic to the dust and dander that falls from the fur of their pets. Help make your home a friendly place for all, as air purifiers capture the hair, dust, and dander from the family pet in their filters.
  • Eliminates smoke and odors – If you have ever burnt something on the stove, you understand how long that smoke smell can linger. The benefit of an air purifier is that it constantly scrubs your home’s air clean, which includes smell particles. So, burnt dinner, the odor of a wet dog, or the cat litter box won’t stay trapped in your home. Another benefit of air purifiers is they also reduce secondhand smoke, which can lead to healthier lungs.
  • Takes care of dust – No matter how much you clean, dust will gather. Fortunately, filtering your home’s air means the amount of dust will be reduced. That’s just another air purifier benefit, as it captures particles from the air, literally before the dust can settle.
  • Stops the spread of germs and bacteria – Flu and cold germs are often spread through the air, purifiers help stop the spread of germs, bacteria, and even mold spores.
  • Utilizes various technological advancements – Today, air purifiers offer a variety of sizes, fans, filters, and energy-saving settings, for an array of customer benefits. Air purifiers can also feature extra options, like activated carbon filters or UV light purifiers. These technologies can reduce harmful particles in your home.
  • Allows for versatility & convenience – Air purifiers come in many sizes, including portable units that address the air in individual rooms. Additionally you can spread air purifier benefits to cover your entire home by adding them to your heating and cooling system for whole home filtration.
  • Mitigates seasonal allergies – Allergy sufferers can turn their home into an oasis during spring allergy season, as air purifiers capture pollen, grasses, and other irritants. Relief from stuffy noses, sneezing, and watery eyes is just an air purifier away.
  • Eases asthma – If you suffer from asthma symptoms, an air purifier becomes a tremendous benefit. Because the filters are designed to capture large pollutants in the air, you can avoid triggering your asthma, thanks to the reduction of irritants in your home.
  • Promotes healthier lungs – Indoor air can be more hazardous to your health than the air outside, since it is where we spend most of our time. An air purifier will benefit you and your family in the long term as it works to remove up to 99 percent of airborne pollutants.

Contact Us to Upgrade and Take Advantage of Air Purifier Benefits

Learn more about how Galmiche & Sons can equip your St. Louis home with the right air purifier for you and your family. Contact our heating & air conditioning professionals online or by phone so your home can enjoy the benefits of air purification.

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