Common Causes for High Heating Bills

High heating bills plague the average St. Louis household every winter. As the temperature drops, some price hikes are unavoidable. However, if you want to keep your house warm and prevent high heating bills it is important to understand what makes bills high in the first place.

Causes for High Heating Bills

Other than the cost of natural gas, electricity, or propane, there are several other factors that can jack up prices when heating a home in the winter. Here we have provided you with a list of possible problematic factors in your home, as well as simple steps you can take to prevent unnecessary cost.

If you would like more information on how to combat high heating bills or need to schedule a cleaning for your HVAC system to ensure optimal and efficient operation, contact our heating and air conditioning company today!

5 Causes of High Heating Bills

High Heating Bill Causes

  1. Thermostat troubles – Finding the right temperature in your home during the cold winter months can be a difficult balance between comfort and avoiding high heating bills. Upgrading your current thermostat to a more modern, programmable option allows for more control and efficiency. Your monthly savings may increase even higher if you switch to a WIFI thermostat that allows you to control the temperature in your home from anywhere remotely.
  2. HVAC wear and tear – On average, a traditional HVAC unit should be replaced completely every 10-15 years. If your current HVAC system is functioning past its recommended lifespan, you may start to notice higher heating bills. Additionally, if your current system is still within an acceptable age range, but in a state of disrepair, high heating bills are sure to follow.
  3. Air leaks and poor insulation – High heating bills can often be the result of a poorly insulated home. If you have an older home, you might be losing air through the doors, windows, or any crack in your inner and outer walls. If this issue persists, you may want to consider conducting a home energy audit on your home.
  4. Dirty air filters – Any unnecessary strain on your current HVAC system can contribute to high heating bills in the winter months. Clogged, dirty, or otherwise damaged air filters are not only the most common, but also the easiest remedied cause of an overworked HVAC. Taking the step to replace your air filters regularly is smart, affordable, and a surefire way to lower those daunting high heating bills.
  5. Schedule a walk through – There is only so much you can observe with an untrained eye. If your family’s warmth and your pocket book are both high priority to you, then you should consider calling in a professional. An annual HVAC inspection will leave you with the peace of mind that you have done all that is in your power to reduce high heating bills.

Call Us Today to Learn More About Reducing High Heating Bills

Galmiche & Sons are your St. Louis area HVAC experts. We have been providing quality service and care to your neighbors for generations. With experience spanning over half a century, we have the expertise to help you combat those high heating bills and ensure your furnace is operating and optimal efficiency. Please feel free to contact us about any heating and air conditioning questions you may have. Our helpful team is standing by, ready to talk HVAC with you today!

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