Why is My AC Running Constantly?

Why is My AC Running Constantly?

If you notice your AC running constantly, it is worth checking out the system for issues like air blockages, low refrigerant, or other breakdowns. Sometimes, your AC running constantly is simply because the thermostat is set too low or because it is very, very hot out. Even in these cases, you should make adjustments to stop the AC from running constantly, as this can cause damage to your air conditioner. To learn more or address a problem with your air conditioner, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today at (314) 993-1110.

Tips to Prevent Your AC Running Constantly

So how do you address the problem when your AC is running constantly? The first step is to familiarize yourself with how your heating and cooling system works. So how does an HVAC system work? There are two main functions to be aware of: the coil system and the airflow system. The coils move the refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units to cool the air. The fan, air blower, and ductwork move air around your home and pull hot air back in.

So, the two main problems your heating and cooling system will run into are airflow issues and problems with the coils. Your AC coils can even freeze if you set the target temperature too low or run your AC too often. Here a few things you can try to help it run more efficiently and smoothly:

  • Replace your air filters regularly
  • Close windows and doors tightly and keep them seals
  • Avoid using your oven or stovetops on very hot days or for a long time
  • Switch the fan setting from “auto” to “on” to generate more airflow
  • Clear debris from around the outdoor unit to increase airflow
  • Close blinds or seal windows to minimize heat transfer

AC Running Constantly

If you are still dealing with an AC running constantly after you try these adjustments, check if there are obstructions in front of the air return vents. You can also try shutting vents in rooms you are not using to reduce the strain on your air conditioner. You should also check the coils in both units to make sure they are not dirty or frozen.

Why Is My AC Running Constantly?

With all this in mind, you can start investigating the question “Why is my AC running constantly?” As you can see, there are a few different possibilities here. If you have tried all the adjustments above and still have an AC running constantly, it may be time to get some professional help. An HVAC service team can help you diagnose the problem more easily and can address more advanced issues like problems with your compressor (which compresses the refrigerant from a gas to a liquid), or having the wrong size AC.

AC Running Constantly? Contact Galmiche and Sons in St. Louis

An AC running constantly can also be a sign of more serious issues like a refrigerant leak, or the result of dirty or frozen coils. If you notice your AC running frequently and are unsure of the reason, it is important to call the professionals. In St. Louis, you can get help with any of these problems from the heating & air conditioning service team at Galmiche & Sons. Get in touch today at (314) 993-1110 to schedule an appointment.

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