Signs You Need to Change Your Furnace Filter

Every furnace system is fitted with a filter that aids in trapping airborne particles and dust when air is drawn into the system. These filters play a crucial role in improving your home’s air quality and also ensure the efficient functioning of your furnace. Yet changing the furnace filter is a critical task that most people end up skipping. In the following sections, we will explain the importance of filter replacement, and the warning signs that indicate that you need to change your furnace filter immediately.

Signs You Need to Change Your Furnace Filter

To learn more or to schedule furnace maintenance for help changing your furnace filter in the St. Louis area, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

What is the Significance of the HVAC Filter?

The popular belief among most people is that the job of a furnace filter is to improve the air quality in your house. While that is one of its functions, its primary purpose is to prevent airborne contaminants from entering the furnace system. If debris, dust, pet dander, hair, and other contaminants collect over the sensitive internal components, it can reduce the operational efficiency of the system. Besides lowering the heating efficiency, it can also cause your furnace to run into several problems down the line. Because of this, it is important to change your furnace filter regularly to keep your system in peak condition.

When to Change your Furnace Filter

Ideally, you should be checking your furnace filter every month for dust buildup. Depending on the use of your furnace, you may find that you need to replace it monthly. The experts recommend replacing it at least after every three months.

If you are not sure, here are a few warning signs that indicate that you need to change your furnace filter:

  • Build-up of dust and dirt on your filter: If you see that the vent of your furnace is visibly dusty and dirty, it means that the furnace filter needs to be replaced. You can also check the build-up of dirt and dust by removing the filter and looking for visible signs of dust and dirt buildup.
  • Furnace runs longer than normal: Another indication it is time for furnace filter replacement is when the furnace system cycles for longer than normal to achieve the set temperature. You may notice that the furnace will produce less heat even when it is running continuously. Sometimes, it can also start cycling cool air. If you see any of these issues, it is best to get your filter changed.
  • Overheating furnace with a burning smell: If the back of your furnace feels hot to touch and there is a burning smell coming from it, it is a sign of overheating. The most common cause of this issue is a clogged furnace filter that struggles to push the air out. If such a problem occurs, it is best to change your furnace filter immediately.
  • Your home is more dusty than usual: If you notice that your home is collecting more dust than usual (even after regular cleaning), this is also an indication that your furnace filter needs changing. A clean filter will trap the allergens and dust, preventing them from being circulated throughout the house.

Change Your Furnace Filter with Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis

When to Change Your Furnace Filter

If you want to ensure greater energy efficiency, performance, and longevity of your furnace, it is best to have your furnace filters changed as soon as you notice any of these warning signs. The skilled professionals at Galmiche & Sons will ensure that the right filters are used for replacement (according to the manufacturer’s recommendations). If the filters have already caused some amount of damage to the system, the experts can get to the root of the issue to address that problem too.

Ready to have your furnace filters changed or need to schedule regular maintenance? Contact our heating and cooling experts online or by phone today at 314-993-1110 today!

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