Don’t Forget to Schedule Your Spring AC Maintenance

Schedule Your Spring AC Maintenance Today

There is nothing like the joy of seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel of winter. While you are swooning over the tiny green buds starting to peek through the ground, your HVAC system is looking forward to a break as it looks to wrap up its winter cycle. However, spring eventually means warmer weather and you will want to make sure to schedule your spring AC maintenance before we are in the thick of blazing sunny weather. We know it seems so far away, but trust us. That St. Louis sun and humidity will be here before you know it.

To schedule your spring AC maintenance, call Galmiche & Sons, today! We are standing by, eager to take care of all your St. Louis heating & air conditioning needs.

Why Schedule Your Spring Air Conditioning Maintenance Now?

The temperatures outside will begin to rise and your HVAC system will need to switch into a new gear to keep your home comfortable through the weather. Make sure your system is ready by scheduling your spring AC maintenance check ahead of time.

It is fairly well known that routine maintenance helps your system’s longevity. Additionally, having your professional HVAC technician run your spring AC maintenance helps you avoid costly repairs down the line by catching potential small issues before they turn into big ones. Indeed, routine maintenance ensures your comfort at home regardless of the season and helps your system enjoy more efficient performance.

When your HVAC service technician arrives to perform your air conditioner maintenance for spring, these are some of the things they should check:

  • Thermostat – First, your service technician will check that your air conditioner and thermostat are communicating properly so your system is running efficiently.
  • Condensate Drain – Checking the condensate drain for clogging prevents damage in your home due to water leaks and humidity levels, which also protects your indoor air quality.
  • Electrical Connections – Your technician will take care of checking and tightening all of the unit’s electrical connections to make sure all major components are operating as they should and there is no unsafe operation of your system.
  • Changing Air Filters – While changing the system’s air filters is something owners can and should handle every 1-3 months, your technician can take care of this for you as well during routine spring AC maintenance.
  • Blower Components – Cleaning and adjusting the blower components in your system will help increase its efficiency by ensuring proper airflow.
  • Refrigerant Levels – Technicians will confirm that your system has the right amount of refrigerant levels so your system is running properly and to ensure there are no leaks or improper installation.

Why Let Galmiche & Sons Handle Your Air Conditioner Maintenance This Spring?

Schedule Your Spring AC Maintenance in St. Louis

At Galmiche & Sons, we have handled spring maintenance on St. Louis’ air conditioners for many years. Our friendly technicians are industry professionals, and our priority is simply ensuring your family is comfortable throughout any season, and your HVAC system is in good order.

Schedule Your Spring AC Maintenance Today

Let us put your heating & air conditioning concerns at ease and schedule your spring AC maintenance, today. We will do the work, and you can sit back and relax knowing that spring is in the air!

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