How to Maintain a Whole House Humidifier in Summer

How to Maintain a Whole House Humidifier in Summer

This is one of those summer maintenance tasks that very often goes overlooked and forgotten about. But, turning off your whole house humidifier can help you stay comfortable and cool in the summer and will also prevent mildew and mold from growing in your HVAC system. It is a relatively easy and quick thing to do, so take some time to turn off your whole house humidifier at the start of the summer every season. To learn more about humidifiers, summer HVAC maintenance, or heating & air conditioning in general, call the Galmiche & Sons HVAC team at (314) 993-1110.

What Is a Whole House Humidifier? Do I Have One?

It may sound silly to ask if you have a whole house humidifier, but some people do not even realize they have one! If you moved into a new home recently, it is worth it to check whether the HVAC system has a home humidifier installed or not. You should also check if you got a new AC system recently. They are increasingly common as many people discover how much of a role humidity plays in comfort and temperature control.

If you do have a whole house humidifier, some important steps to take to prepare for summer include:

  • Turning Off Steam Humidifiers -At the beginning of the summer, if you have a whole house humidifier that runs on steam, you should do the following to get the system ready for the season:
    • Turn off the humidifier with the control button.
    • Don’t turn off the water as steam humidifiers will regularly empty and rinse the water out unless the water is turned off.
    • If you suspect any issues, have your HVAC team check the wiring and heating elements on your humidifier. Cleaning the humidifier can help as well!
  • Turning Off Bypass Humidifiers – The other main type of whole house humidifier is a bypass humidifier. These work by redirecting heated air through a water panel before distributing it throughout the house. Here is how you can shut off this kind of whole house humidifier for the summer:
    • Find the humidistat or control button, usually on or near the thermostat and turn it off.
    • If there is a damper, make sure it is closed so air is not directed through the humidifier.
    • Turn off water to the humidifier. This will be the copper tube between the water heater and humidifier. Look for a valve to close off the water.
    • Wait until fall to replace the water panel and filter.

Other Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Now that you have your whole house humidifier turned off, you are ready for a comfortable and mildew-free summer! There are some other summer home maintenance tips that are good to be aware of as well. These include:

  • Cleaning up the lawn and removing debris from around the outdoor AC unit.
  • Replacing the air filters in your HVAC system.
  • Sealing windows to increase insulation.
  • And having your HVAC team perform a maintenance visit in spring or early summer.

Concerned About Your Whole House Humidifier? Call Us

Preparing Your Whole House Humidifier for Summer

With all this in mind, you can rest easy this summer knowing your home will be cool and comfortable. If you have more questions or need help getting your air conditioner ready for summer, call your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today for an early summer checkup at (314) 993-1110.

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