6 Common Reasons Your AC Went Out (and How to Fix It)

Summer, for those in St. Louis, and much of the country, also signals the AC season. Unfortunately, this can also be the prime time for AC breakdown and repairs. But before you start sweating the idea of shelling out cash for a repair, here are six common reasons your AC went out and how to fix them yourself.

Common Reasons Your AC Went Out and How to Fix It

To learn more about common AC problems or to schedule professional repair service from our heating and cooling experts, contact Galmiche & Sons online or by phone today at 314-993-1110.

Understanding the Six Reasons Why Your AC Went Out

If you are wondering why your AC went out, one of the first things to do is to check if the home has electrical power. This may sound silly, but you would be surprised how often it happens. If there is power, you can go on to check the circuit breaker of the air conditioner to see if it has tripped. Apart from these basic reasons, here are six of the most common reasons for AC breakdown and problems.

1. Dirty Air Filter

The air filter is one of the most important parts of your AC, and if it is dirty, your AC will not be able to function properly. Be sure to check your air filter regularly and replace it when it gets dirty.

2. Blocked Vents or Ducts

If your vents or ducts are blocked, the air will not be able to circulate properly, and your AC will struggle to cool down your house. Be sure to check for obstructions and clean them if necessary if your AC goes out.

3. Dirty Coils Caused Your AC to Go Out

If your AC coils are dirty, they will not be able to dissipate heat as effectively. Make sure to clean your AC coils regularly to improve cooling performance. You can use commercial cleaners, a vacuum, or household detergent to clean the coils.

4. The Thermostat Is Off

If your AC went out, ensure the thermostat is powered on and check if the fuse in the thermostat is blown. You may also have to replace the batteries in your thermostat.

5. Broken Fan Motor

Reasons for AC Breakdown

If the fan motor is broken, your AC will not be able to move the air around and will struggle to cool down your house. Replacing the fan motor is best handled by a St. Louis HVAC professional. It is better if you do not try to replace a broken fan yourself. A trained HVAC professional can handle it properly and safely.

6. Refrigerant Leaks Could Be the Reason Your AC Went Out

If your AC is low on refrigerant, it will not be able to cool down your house properly. If you suspect a refrigerant leak is the reason your AC went out, have your AC system inspected by a professional. It is not recommended that you try to fix a refrigerant leak. This is one repair that you better let a trained professional handle.

Ensure Preventive Maintenance to Prevent AC Breakdown

Your AC unit may have gone out for a number of reasons, and some of them are simple enough for you to fix yourself. However, if you are not comfortable doing the repairs yourself, or if the problem is more complex, it is best to call a St. Louis HVAC professional. Professionals can also ensure proper HVAC maintenance procedures are followed in order to prevent breakdowns and keep your AC system running through the heat of the summer. In St. Louis, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

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