Is Your Furnace Ready for the Fall HVAC Season?

Crisp days and brilliant shocks of orange and red signal the arrival of Autumn, but is your furnace ready for the fall HVAC season? Prepping your HVAC for the fall season is not difficult and is a great way to make sure your system is ready for the demands of winter. Fall HVAC preparations help to ensure that your system is fully functional, but they are also good for catching any problems that may arise once the cold hits.

Is Your Furnace Ready for the Fall HVAC Season

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, Galmiche & Sons can help you to prepare your furnace for the fall HVAC season. Our team of heating & air conditioning technicians are experts in all aspects of furnaces. Call us today at 314-993-1110 to schedule an appointment.

Helpful Tips to Prepare for the Fall HVAC Season

Getting ready for the fall HVAC season is a straightforward process that can help you immensely once the temperatures really start to drop. It is prudent to take these steps now to avoid any unwanted surprises during winter. We have put together a quick list of helpful tips to assist you in preparing for the fall HVAC season.

Our recommended fall HVAC tips:

  • Check You Outdoor Unit – Be sure to look at your outdoor unit and inspect it for any damage, dirt, or debris. Take steps to ensure all components are unobstructed and have sufficient protection from things like leaves or snow.
  • Fire Up the FurnaceFurnaces lay dormant all summer long, so it is good practice to start them up a few times before winter arrives. Just turning it on and letting run for a few minutes will help you catch any potential problems.
  • Think Insulation – Fall can be a good time to consider adding extra insulation to your home to assist your HVAC system throughout winter. Additionally, extra insulation cuts down on drafts and heat escaping. An HVAC specialist can help you determine if you need extra insulation.
  • Switch to a Programmable Thermostat – A programmable thermostat works to keep you home heated to your exact specifications. Temperatures fluctuate frequently during fall, so using a programmable thermostat can save you money.
  • Heat Registers – Heat registers are the endpoints of your ducting system that distribute warm air throughout your home. Ensure that these are clean and unobstructed to maximize HVAC efficiency.

Get an HVAC System Inspection During Fall

Get Your Furnace Ready for Fall HVAC

Autumn is also a fantastic time of year to have a full HVAC system inspection. Scheduling fall furnace maintenance before winter keeps you from experiencing any unwanted frigid temps inside your home. With fall temperatures staying mild, it is a good time of year to undergo any HVAC repair your house may need. A good HVAC company will inspect all aspects of your system such as wiring, heat exchangers, safety switches, and more.

Fall HVAC Season is Here; Make Sure Your Furnace is Ready

Having served the Greater St. Louis area for decades, Galmiche & Sons is committed to helping customers ready their furnaces for winter. Call our heating & air conditioning specialists today at 314-993-1110.

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