Is Your HVAC Filter Catching as Much as It Should?

Is Your HVAC Filter Catching as Much as It Should?

A large part of your home’s HVAC system’s job is actually air filtration. While yes, its function in temperature control is usually the first thing that comes to people’s mind when they hear the word HVAC, filters play a huge part in boosting your home’s comfort levels and indoor air quality. However, when an HVAC filter fails, it is not an obvious issue because the consequences are not immediately visible. In this article, we explore how to make sure your HVAC filter is working at optimal levels and what you can do the ensure it is indeed working at its best.

To learn more about choosing the best air filter or if you would like to schedule a regular maintenance appointment for your home’s heating & air conditioning, give Galmiche & Sons a call in St. Louis today. Our service technicians will include an HVAC filter check during the process.

Steps You Can Take to Ensure Your HVAC Filter is Catching Everything It Should

From dust to pet dander, mold, and more, indoor air pollution is a frustrating issue for homeowners all over St. Louis. Fortunately, your HVAC filter can do a lot to help combat these contaminants, but it may need a little help to be able to function at its peak. Here are a few things you can do to ensure your HVAC filter is operating at its best:

  • Make sure it is installed correctly – Whether due to simple absentmindedness or a lack of knowledge, a filter that is not properly installed will not do much for you in terms of catching contaminants. Air filters must be of the right size and type intended for your system and should be properly installed, facing the right direction.
  • Check it regularly – Depending on use and other factors in your home, we recommend changing or cleaning your HVAC filter at least every 3 months. Regardless, definitely make sure you are checking it monthly.
  • Upgrade it – If you do not already have one, consider upgrading your filter to a HEPA-style model. We recommend opting for one with a MERV rating 10 or higher.

In addition to the care for your filter, you can also have your ducts cleaned. Over time, dust and debris can pile up in your home’s air ducts, and there is nothing your HVAC filter can do about it. You may want to consider scheduling a professional cleaning so that your vents are not pushing out allergens.

Why Choose Galmiche & Sons to Meet Your HVAC Needs?

HVAC Filter Performance

At Galmiche & Sons, our sole ambition is giving our customers the best in home comfort – whether that is by helping you decide on a new HVAC system and installing it, providing your regular HVAC maintenance, or answering any other HVAC-related questions or concerns you may have. Our professional service technicians are experts in the field, maintaining their certifications and education so they are always up-to-date in the latest in HVAC technology. They are also helpful and friendly, so our customers know they can always ask questions or discuss any concerns directly with their technician. We have worked hard to earn our reputation as one of the leading HVAC companies in the area and look forward to helping our customers day in and day out. With over 60 years in the field, there is no HVAC issue we have not handled.

Call Galmiche & Sons for More Information on Your HVAC Filter’s Role

If you are concerned about how your heating & air conditioning system is running, including how well the HVAC filter is catching dust, debris, and other pollutants, give us a call. We have had the privilege of serving St. Louis HVAC needs for over 60 years, and we look forward to helping your family stay comfortable throughout the seasons.

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