What is the Best Sleeping Temperature for Your Bedroom?

Best Sleeping Temperature | St. Louis HVAC Tips

There is little better than getting that perfect night’s sleep. Waking up feeling rested and refresh, and that good feeling usually lasts you the full day! Many factors go into getting a good night’s sleep, and one of them is the sleeping temperature in your bedroom. Indeed, your room temperature for sleeping goes a long way in helping your body fall into a restful, solid sleep.

If you feel your room sleeping temperature seems to be off, Galmiche & Sons can help! Give us a call at 314-993-1110 and we can look at your heating & air conditioning system to help you get your HVAC system set up so it will maintain the perfect sleep temperature for your family.

Setting Up the Best Sleeping Temperature for a Great Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is really key to starting your day off right. When we sleep, our bodies are recharging and setting the stage to enable us to take on the next day. Lack of a good night’s rest leaves you feeling irritable, less focused, and generally makes it harder to function as you go about the day. Further, continuous poor sleep can lead to health problems, and makes us more vulnerable to catching bugs as our immune systems drop.

There are many factors that lend themselves to the creation of a poor sleeping environment. From late night snacking, to caffeine consumption, the use of electronics right before sleep, and more, there are plenty of things to be done that will help your body better prepare for a good night’s sleep. One of the lesser considered factors of getting that solid shuteye is the sleeping temperature of your bedroom!

New temperature sleep studies show that the role of the temperature during sleep plays a much bigger part than even light. Our bodies drop their temperature to initiate sleep, and ensuring your body is able to do so is key. The generally suggested sleeping temperature of your bedroom is between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Making your bedroom calm, cool, dark, and quiet can help you get that better sleep.

Make It Easier to Comfortably Lower Sleeping Temperature

Sleeping Temperature for Bedroom | St. Louis HVAC

Lowering the thermostat for nighttime sounds easy enough, but what about on days when the weather is less than moderate, and the thought of crawling into (or out of!) a chilly bed is enough to make you shiver? Consider the following convenient, and energy-saving solutions to keep you comfortable and ensure the best temperature for a good nights sleep:

  • Programmable ThermostatProgrammable thermostats allow you to key in ahead of time when you want the thermostat the lower the temperature in your house. You can also set the temp to warm back up just before you wake up, making you comfortable from the moment you wake up to the moment you got to bed.
  • HVAC Zoning System – An HVAC zoning system allows you to select certain parts of the house to be heated or cooled during whatever specific time you deem necessary. When paired with a programmable thermostat, you can focus your energy expense on the areas of the house that need it most, when they need it most! You can also make sure that bedrooms are always set to the ideal temperature for sleeping.

Contact Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis

If you are struggling with your heating & air conditioning solutions at home, give us a call at 314-993-1110. We have been proudly serving the St. Louis area for over 6 decades and look forward to helping your family feel more comfortable at home!

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