Why You Should Replace an Aging Air Conditioner

Replace your Aging Air Conditioner

Like most people, you probably try to put off making large purchases as long as possible – so also like most people, you may have an aging air conditioner that could use replacement. Rather than waiting until it is absolutely necessary to replace your system, you may want to look into replacing that aging air conditioner before major issues arise when you need it most. While determining the ideal time to replace your AC is not the simplest task, we have put together this article to help with your research.

The Cost of Not Replacing an Aging Air Conditioner

While it may feel like you are saving money, putting off replacing an old AC unit, you are only postponing the inevitable. Ideally, you want to anticipate a large expense, rather than wait for it to pop up at an inconvenient time. Aside from that, there are tons of cost-saving benefits to replacing your aging air conditioner that may even out the expense for you.

Today’s high-efficiency AC units can dramatically save money by reducing energy consumption. Efficiency and overall effectiveness starts to decrease as your air conditioner ages – which means that by postponing replacement, you could actually be costing yourself more money. Additionally, the older an air conditioner gets, the more likely it is to break down and need costly repairs. These repairs are not only potentially budget-breaking, but also wildly inconvenient – especially during a particularly scorching summer day.

An Aging Air Conditioner Reduces Indoor Air Quality

Aside from being potentially expensive – an older AC unit can contribute to health issues due to reduced indoor air quality. Aging air conditioners spread microorganisms due to poorer filtration and the fact that they are perfect breeding grounds for certain types of fungi and bacteria. Things like pollen and other allergens also begin to accumulate in the unit, and get spread around in the air. Poor indoor air quality contributes to more instances of respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as overall negative health.

Even if you are the ideal AC owner, regular care and maintenance will only last you for so long. Eventually, your unit will start to show signs of major issues, and at that point, it is probably time to start looking into replacing that aging air conditioner.

Contact Us About Replacing Your Aging Air Conditioner in St. Louis

Aging Air Conditioner Replacement

When you replace your air conditioner with a new one, you get all kinds of benefits. Your energy efficiency goes way up, and consequently your electricity bill starts to go down. You and your family will notice a difference in indoor air quality, and you may even reduce instances of respiratory diseases or notice an increase in overall health. With all of these benefits, it is easy to see why replacing your aging air conditioner is a great idea.

If you are ready to replace your aging air conditioner, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today to learn more!

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