Simple Tips to Improve Your HVAC System Lifespan

When you think of routine home maintenance, a few obvious things may come to mind such as cleaning your gutters or fixing a leaky faucet. While you are running through your checklist, remember to include an HVAC inspection. With proper care, you can add years to your HVAC system lifespan. We have compiled a comprehensive list of tips to help you lengthen the usefulness of your current system (and maybe even improve HVAC system efficiency as well).

Improve HVAC System Lifespan & Efficiency

For more information on prolonging your HVAC system lifespan, contact Galmiche & Sons, today! We are standing by to provide you with all your St. Louis heating & air conditioning answers.

4 Tips to Lengthen Your HVAC System Lifespan

  1. Call Your HVAC Experts – Over time your HVAC system will inevitably need repair. Scheduling regular maintenance and service to address any issues that may arise will greatly improve your HVAC system lifespan. There are certain issues that only a specialist would recognize. Left unattended, these problems can cause breakdowns at the most inconvenient times. The start of the fall season is a perfect time to fix any damages that may have occurred in the summer. Act now to prolong your HVAC system lifespan and avoid getting stuck in the cold this winter.
  2. Don’t Overwork Your System – Comfort is important to your quality of life, but it is also important not to push your HVAC to its limit. Your thermostat should be kept in the upper sixties to lower seventies in the cold months. While this may seem a chilly to some, taking it easy on your machinery could increase your HVAC system lifespan by years. Grab a blanket and a hot drink, and save yourself money in the long run.
  3. Use a Smart Thermostat – Old thermostats can malfunction and cause your HVAC system to work much harder than it must. Install a programmable smart thermostat to gain greater control over your HVAC system. Use your smartphone to adjust the temperature in multiple rooms in your home. With the precision of a smart thermostat you can improve your HVAC system lifespan by easing the strain caused by outdated equipment. If you are coming home from a long day out, a smart thermostat gives you the ability to warm your living space before you arrive to avoid that pesky frigid waiting period.
  4. Extend HVAC System Lifespan with Maintenance

  5. Make Sure Your System Is the Right Size – If you are attempting to heat a large area with a small unit, your HVAC system will work much harder that it should. Overworking a small unit will cause damage at a rapid pace, decreasing your HVAC system lifespan greatly. On the other end of the spectrum a unit that is too large for your home cycles much faster. Your HVAC will constantly restart throughout the day increasing your risk for damages. Once you have scheduled an appointment with your local heating and cooling expert, be sure to ask them if you have the appropriate size system for your home.

Prolong Your HVAC System Lifespan with Help from Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis

At Galmiche & Sons, our highly motivated staff are here to address any questions you have and help you prolong your HVAC system lifespan! In the greater St. Louis area, call us now at 314-993-1110 to schedule a heating & air conditioning walkthrough.

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