Building Energy Efficiency: Common Sources of Energy Loss in Commercial Buildings

Building Energy Efficiency | Sources of Energy Loss

Much like how a car depreciates in value the moment it is driven off the lot, your commercial building’s energy efficiency starts to decrease immediately after construction. As time and use take their toll on the structure and the machinery inside of it, electricity bills start to rise. Seeing as how a big part of running a business is not only to make money, but to also prevent its loss, we thought it would be helpful to provide a short article outlining different factors that may be causing energy loss in your building, and what to do to maintain building energy efficiency.

Too Complex HVAC Building Automation

While home automation is slowly becoming more of a trend, commercial building automation has been around for much longer. From the lighting, to security, to HVAC systems, a building owner can control even the finest details of all these systems at once. However, sometimes these systems can get too complicated for the users, and as a result building energy efficiency goes down.

Out-of-Date or Improperly Maintained HVAC System

You may not realize it, but about 40% of a commercial building’s energy use is due to the HVAC system. This is why it is so important to make sure your equipment is up to date and receiving regular maintenance. If not, you could be losing a lot of money due to decreased building energy efficiency. In order to combat this loss, contact a professional HVAC company to schedule regular service and maintenance for your system to have an audit performed. This should help figure out exactly where any big problems are and identify smaller issues before they turn into larger and costlier ones.

In St. Louis, contact the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today to schedule an appointment for HVAC service or maintenance!

Not Thinking Long Term Leads to Poor Building Energy Efficiency and More

Building Energy Efficiency Tips

In a large commercial building, a manager may receive numerous complaints ranging from small inconveniences to larger issues. In the face of an overwhelming “to-do” list and costs, many building managers will opt for cheaper, fast-fixes instead of investing in solving the underlying issue. This usually leads to repeated fixes that add up fast, lowered building energy efficiency issues, and poor indoor air quality. So take note, when issues pop up regarding your HVAC system, take the time to figure out the problem and fix them properly. This can save you a lot of money in the long run with increased building energy efficiency.

In-House Staff Overwhelmed by HVAC Issues

Many commercial buildings have an in-house maintenance staff in order to expedite repairs and keep things running smoothly. However, an HVAC system is a complicated thing, and when the maintenance tasks become too complex or frequent, a small in-house staff can easily be overwhelmed. Additionally, as staff comes and goes, lots of HVAC knowledge is lost in the process, and new hires need to learn all over again. Lastly, improper training often leads to major HVAC issues and decreased building energy efficiency. Hiring professionals for your HVAC problems and repairs can mean more efficient equipment as well as fewer repairs.

Learn More About Improving Building Energy Efficiency in St. Louis

Building energy efficiency is obviously very important to any building owner and manager who wants to keep costs down. Why not let the experts handle things so you can rest easy knowing your HVAC system is in good hands? In St. Louis, contact our heating & air conditioner experts today at Galmiche & Sons to talk about your building’s energy efficiency and how we can improve it!

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