7 Tips for Fall HVAC Maintenance

Tips for Fall HVAC Maintenance

Summer is all but gone, and fall has arrived. As you get ready for colder weather, one of the things you need to prioritize is fall HVAC maintenance. The plummeting temperatures translate into extensive use of heating, which in turn, can reflect on your energy costs. Focusing on HVAC maintenance in the fall will help you avoid major breakdowns and massive energy bills when winter comes.

Proper HVAC maintenance is also vital to the lifespan of the system. If you skip winter maintenance schedule, it can create a domino effect, compromising the entire system and lowering its lifespan.

To learn more about our tips and schedule your professional fall HVAC maintenance before it is too late, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today!

Smart Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

Fall HVAC Maintenance Tips

Here are some smart tips for fall HVAC maintenance that preps your entire system for winter:

  1. Change the thermostat settings: With cooler temperatures, you don’t have to continue with the summer settings on your thermostat. Adjust the temperature settings on your thermostat to align with the outside temperature.
  2. Check and replace the air filter: HVAC systems use air filters to prevent the entry of dust and unwanted particles into the heating and cooling systems. These filters become clogged with grime, dirt, mold, and other particles, all of which affect the HVAC’s performance, not to mention your health. Swap out the air filters in the fall (and every two months) to ensure your HVAC system is running smoothly. An added bonus is that replacing the air filter can also reduce your energy bill by anywhere from 5 to 15 percent.
  3. Insulate the attic: One of the smartest ways to ensure the HVAC system achieves peak performance in winters is to reduce its load. Insulating the attic in your home prevents warm air from escaping outside, allowing your HVAC system to put in less effort while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.
  4. Remove natural debris: At the end of summer, the condenser unit can have a build-up of grime, weeds, dirt, and leaves. This can disrupt clean airflow while impacting the HVAC system’s efficiency during cold weather. Rake any leaves, clip overgrown grass and weeds while using a hose to clear debris.
  5. Schedule a professional HVAC inspection: An HVAC professional will inspect your HVAC system thoroughly and address any minor to major issues. Regular professional maintenance, including fall HVAC maintenance, helps extend the unit’s lifespan apart from reducing your energy costs.
  6. Get the furnace tuned up by a professional: Over time, your furnace can become clogged with pet dander, hair, dust, and other debris. The more clogged the system, the harder the furnace works to heat your home. Schedule a professional inspection of your furnace before heating up your home when the cold sets in. The experienced HVAC technician will also clean up the system, calibrate the thermostat, test the airflow, and inspect the electrical connections.
  7. Consider furnace replacement: Furnaces last for anywhere from 20 to 30 years. If you have an older model or you notice that your energy bills are dramatically rising in winters, it may be time to replace it with a newer, energy-efficient model.

These basic fall HVAC maintenance tips can help you avoid costly bills and expensive repairs down the line.

Schedule Your Fall HVAC Maintenance in St. Louis

Galmiche & Sons is a professional HVAC contractor in St. Louis that you can trust to take good care of your HVAC system. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning experts today to make sure your system is ready for the winter cold.

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