8 Simple Fixes if Your Heater is Not Working

Simple Fixes if Your Heater is Not Working

Winters in St. Louis require the best heating system to keep your home comfortable. So, if your heater is not working, it can quickly turn comfort into concern. But don’t worry, some initial troubleshooting steps can help you resolve common issues before seeking professional help if your heater is not working.

To learn more or schedule professional furnace repair service in St. Louis, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons.

What Should You Do If Your Furnace is Not Working

What Should You Do If Your Furnace is Not Working

If your heater is not working, here are eight simple fixes we suggest you to try. If none of these steps resolve the issue or you still experience problems, contact your local HVAC professionals for help:

  • Check Your Thermostat: A misconfigured thermostat is often one of the most common reasons behind a malfunctioning heater. So, if your heater is not working, check your thermostat and see if it is set to "Heat" mode. Adjust the temperature above the room’s current reading, and replace batteries if necessary. Sometimes, even restarting the thermostat can also solve the issue.
  • Clean or Replace the Air Filter: A clogged or dirty air filter restricts airflow, causing your heater to strain and possibly shut down. To avoid such issues, regularly inspect and replace or clean the filter for efficient operation. Further, you can also consider upgrading to a high-efficiency filter for improved performance.
  • Verify the Power Supply: An issue with the power supply can be another common reason your heater is not working. Check the electrical panel for any tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses that might have disrupted power to your heater. Reset tripped breakers or replace blown fuses to restore the power supply.
  • Inspect the Gas Supply: If you have a gas-powered heater, the gas valve needs to be turned on for it to work. So, if your heater is not working, the first thing you should do is ensure the gas valve leading to the heater is open.
  • Clear Vents and Registers: Blocked vents or registers restrict airflow, leading to uneven heating or a heater not working efficiently. This issue can be resolved with simple steps like clearing the obstructions and removing dust.
  • Check the Pilot Light: In older furnace models with a pilot light, ensure its lit. Follow manufacturer instructions to relight it safely if it’s extinguished. If the pilot light won’t stay lit or continues to flicker, it might indicate a more complex issue requiring professional attention.
  • Examine the Ductwork for Leaks or Damages: If your heater is not working, a common culprit can be the ductwork. Inspect your ductwork for leaks or damages that could result in heat loss and reduced heater efficiency. Seal visible leaks with duct tape or mastic sealant, but consider professional help for a thorough duct inspection.
  • Assess the Age of Your Heater: Sometimes, a heater can simply stop working because it’s nearing the end of its lifespan. Older units, typically over 15 years old, might experience more frequent breakdowns. If you have an old unit and have tried basic troubleshooting, but your heater is not working, it might be time to consider a replacement.

Contact Galmiche & Sons if Your Heater is Not Working

While these detailed solutions often resolve common heater problems, some problems require professional expertise. Galmiche & Sons has been a trusted name in the HVAC industry in St. Louis for decades. We can handle and resolve all types of HVAC issues.

If you have tried the suggested fixes, and they have not been helpful in restoring your heater functionality, we can help. Our team will closely inspect your unit and offer top-notch repair services. Contact our heating and air conditioning experts today to learn more!

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