12 AC Tips to Save on Air Conditioning Bills

The summer months are upon us, and that means it is going to be time to turn on your air conditioning units. It is not uncommon for homeowners to get a rude awakening in the form of sky-high utility bills this time of year. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to save money on air conditioning bills. Here are the 12 important AC tips that can help reduce your family’s energy bills each season.

AC Tips to Save on Air Conditioning Bills

To learn more about how you can save on air conditioning bills or to schedule preventative maintenance to help keep your AC running efficiently all summer in St. Louis, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons.

12 Tips to Save Your AC Bills

Tips to Reduce Air Conditioning Bills

These tips from our air conditioning professionals can help you not only save on your AC bills, but also avoid costly repairs and replacements down the line.

  • Turn off your AC on cooler days: One of the easiest ways to save on your AC bill is to turn off the system when it is not needed. For days that are cooler and the AC is not needed, turn off the air conditioner and use a fan instead. This will not only save on air conditioning bills, but will help reduce wear and tear on your system, extending life.
  • Insulate wires: An important tip is to insulate wires. This can be done by using foam insulation and plastic tape. The insulation will prevent the wires from becoming an air path, which creates an opportunity for cold air to escape.
  • Clean AC condenser coils: One of the most important ways to save on your air conditioning bills is to make sure that you clean the condenser coils. This will help keep the air conditioning running cool and efficiently.
  • Install ceiling fans: Ceiling fans can be a great way to save on your cooling bill. Fans circulate the air in a room and help you feel cooler than just an AC unit. Ceiling fans are also a lot cheaper than AC units and installation is usually affordable.
  • Change filters frequently: Change air filters often to improve airflow and reduce dust, dirt, and pet dander in the air. A clean air filter means that your system can run more efficiently, reducing energy bills.
  • Clean vents: Clean the your HVAC vents monthly with a brush attachment for your vacuum cleaner to ensure efficient air flow and movement of cooled air.
  • Shade the unit: The AC condenser has to work harder if it is exposed to direct sunlight and heat, which can crank up the AC bills. Ensure it is in a shaded place without blocking air to keep the heat off.
  • Close and seal up windows and doors: Gaps or air leaks around windows and doors can let cool air escape. Seal up any gaps or holes in the home using caulk or weather stripping.
  • Adjust your thermostat: One of the best ways to save on AC bills is to turn the thermostat up a few degrees. This will help you avoid using too much AC, which can cause your AC to kick in more often and overheat. Set your thermostat at 78 degrees instead of 72 degrees to save on your bills.
  • Avoid non-stop usage: Avoid using the AC 24/7. Non-stop usage will put a lot of strain on the unit, which will eventually rob the unit’s ability to run efficiently and lead to more energy usage and higher AC bills.
  • Schedule regular checkups: A recommended way to save on air conditioning bills is to get it professionally tuned up in the spring. This will help make your unit work more efficiently in the summer and save you money on utility bills. Call your local HVAC service company in St. Louis at least once per year for a checkup.
  • Consider an upgrade: If your AC is breaking down frequently and costing a lot to run, these costs can really add up. In some cases, especially if you have an older unit, the best way to really save on AC bills is to upgrade your air conditioner to a newer more energy efficient system.

Schedule Your AC Maintenance in St. Louis

Galmiche & Sons is your place to turn whether you need professional AC system installation or quick repair service. We are experts when it comes to all things heating and cooling and will help keep your AC running efficiently to help you save on air conditioning bills. Call or contact us online to schedule your HVAC maintenance or service.

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