Identifying HVAC Vents: Air Supply vs. Return Vents

Identifying HVAC Vents

The ductwork and vents of an HVAC system play critical roles in carrying air to the system and from it. HVAC systems have two types of vents – return and supply. For some issues, you have to open the vents, in which case it is necessary for you to know how to differentiate return and supply HVAC vents.

Read on to know what roles return and supply vents play and how you can tell the differences between them. As a trusted professional HVAC repair company, we will also give you some tips to clean HVAC vents safely on your own in St. Louis. To learn more or schedule an appointment with our heating and air conditioning professionals, contact us online or by phone.

Supply vs. Return Vents: The Differences

To understand the differences between supply and return vents, you need to first understand how your system works. The system performs two main functions – its sucks air out from your rooms and it blows conditioned air into them.

The ductwork carries the conditioned air to the rooms, which the supply vents let out. The air-sucking function is performed via return vents, which facilitate sending the sucked air back to the HVAC unit.

Apart from their functional differences, return and supply vents also vary in terms of their size. Typically, return HVAC vents are bigger. When it comes to identification, it is much easier to identify supply vents, as these are the vents that blow out conditioned air.

Potential Performance Issues

Both types of HVAC vents have to operate at their best for your St. Louis HVAC system to heat or cool efficiently and effectively. However, in some situations, the performances of the vents may be affected. For instance, if the design of the ductwork has a fundamental flaw, such as an imbalance between the number of return and supply vents, the HVAC system may not perform at its best. That is why it’s important to consult a professional HVAC expert when planning for HVAC system design to determine how many vents are necessary to ensure balance.

Clean Your HVAC System’s Ducts and Vents with These Tips

Cleaning ducts and vents is a necessary part of your HVAC system’s maintenance, as this will help ensure proper air flow and performance. For efficient cleaning, you can follow these tips.

Have the Right Tools On Hand

You can’t clean your HVAC system’s vents without opening them first. You should have the right tools for both the opening and cleaning processes, which include a cleaning brush, broom, screwdriver, and a vacuum cleaner.

Do It Step-by-Step

A Guide to HVAC Vents

Take the following steps to clean your HVAC vents and ducts:

  • Turn your HVAC system’s power off
  • Remove the duct covers by unscrewing them
  • Use the cleaning brush for removing dirt, dust, and grime
  • Use a combination of soap and water for thorough cleaning
  • Power on your vacuum cleaner to deep clean the vents and around the ducts (heavy-duty vacuums are recommended)
  • Once everything is clean, put the covers back in place and screw them in

DIY Or Professional HVAC Maintenance Services?

Most of the HVAC vent and duct cleaning process is easy, and you can make do with the tools you have at home. However, you may not have a heavy-duty vacuum cleaner at home. This is where a professional HVAC repair service like Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis can make a striking difference.

The professionals are armed with heavy-duty equipment that can clean ducts and vents quickly and thoroughly. They can also identify potential issues through HVAC troubleshooting and recommend steps to take to ensure that the problems don’t grow into anything significant. To learn more and schedule HVAC service in St. Louis, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons.

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