Is a Smart Thermostat Right for Me? 4 Questions to Ask

Smart Thermostat Benefits

The humble thermostat has come a long way—from being a mere dial that you have to manually turn, it has now evolved to a digital device that you can program to change at different times of the day. Nowadays, the smart thermostat is being touted as one of the best things to happen in recent years for both the HVAC and home automation industries.

A smart thermostat certainly comes with a lot of bells and whistles. But for practicality’s sake, you need to ask yourself if you really need one, or if you can make do with the one you currently have in your home. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself:

Do I always have my mobile phone with me?
The major advantage of the smart thermostat over the previous thermostat models is its accessibility. You can download an app using your smartphone and take control of your home’s temperature from it. If you are a techie who loves gadgets and mobile apps, or a person who loves fiddling and tweaking around systems in order to get the most out of them, then the smart thermostat has been created with you in mind.

Do I typically forget things that need to be done?
Are you the type to forget simple, mundane tasks such as programming the thermostat before going to bed or leaving for the office? If you have a lot on your mind so that you keep forgetting to do these things, a smart thermostat can be the one to do it for you. It will learn your schedule and intuitively adjust the temperature to a comfortable level once you are home, and it will save on energy once everybody has left.

Buying a Smart Thermostat in St. Louis

Do I want to save even more money?
While programmable thermostats can already save you money by allowing you to pre-set your preferred temperatures, you can take it up further by having a smart thermostat that will learn and adjust to your household’s schedule. The more advanced models will even provide real-time reports on your energy consumption and allows you to make the most out of your heating and cooling system, resulting in more savings in the long run despite the higher initial investment.

Do I want mobility and flexibility?
A smart thermostat provides you remote access, so you can check and program your thermostat settings whatever part of the house you’re in, or even if you are away from home. For example, if you have an unexpected overtime at work, you can choose to switch off your thermostat remotely. Conversely, if you are arriving earlier than expected, you can program the smart thermostat so that your home will be comfortable by the time you arrive.

Get a New Smart Thermostat in St. Louis

Galmiche & Sons is a leading HVAC company in St. Louis. We have been in business for more than 50 years and we continually provide high-quality HVAC service, including smart thermostat installations. To learn more about our heating & air conditioning services and to find out if a smart thermostat is right for you, please call us at 314-993-1110.

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