Why You Should Care About Indoor Air Quality at Home

When we talk of air quality, the general perception is that all the pollution is only outside your door. We feel invincible when we are inside our homes, don’t we? Like no pollution or contaminants can touch us indoors. But sadly, that is far from the truth. The same air that is outside, flows into your home as well. To add to it, other factors contribute to indoor air quality at home, such as humidity, pets, cleaning chemicals, and more. So, yes, Indoor air quality at home is just as important as the air quality outside.

Why You Should Care About Indoor Air Quality at Home

Well maintained HVAC systems are a good way to ensure better indoor air quality in your home. To learn more about how your heating and air conditioning affects indoor air quality and for HVAC installation and servicing in St. Louis, give the experts at Galmiche & Sons a call at 314-993-1110.

What Impacts Indoor Air Quality at Home?

Indoor air pollution is actually much more damaging than outdoor pollution because the space is restricted. Plus, you are typically spending a majority of your time indoors and if this environment is polluted, imagine how much it is impacting your health.

Some common pollutants that are found in indoor air include:

  • Dust: This is by far one of the most common pollutants in every household. You must have seen how dust collects on surfaces inside your home every day. The same dust is suspended in the air inside and you are unknowingly breathing it in every day. If you live in a particularly dusty area, this might have a severe impact on your indoor air quality at home and become a serious health concern. Even if you have an air purifier or an HVAC system installed, dust collects in the ducts and air filters over time contributing more to indoor pollution. So make sure you get your air filters cleaned regularly.
  • Household Chemicals: Another silent source of pollution is the household chemicals that you use. You may think the cleaning products, paint, etc. that you use are harmless, but as the chemicals from these accumulate in the air inside your house, they can be potentially dangerous.
  • Fungus and Mold Spores: As common contaminants of indoor air, spores of fungi and mold can be quite harmful too. Fungus and mold grow in humid environments. If your home is particularly humid, you may see fungal growth in the damp areas of your home. The spores of these fungi, if inhaled, can be very harmful to human health too. Fungal infections are very common and often deadly. These contaminants can be avoided by maintaining ideal home humidity and preventing excess moisture inside your home. An HVAC system is an effective way to maintain humidity indoors.
  • Smoke: Any kind of smoke produced inside the house or from outside can be characterized as a pollutant too. It could be cigarette smoke, smoke from burning firewood, vehicle exhaust, or anything else. Your indoor air can be contaminated with this pollutant and if not controlled, and it can be harmful to health in a variety of ways.
  • Radon: Radon is a radioactive gas found in a majority of U.S. homes. It is considered the second leading cause of lung cancer, according to the EPA. Radon is released by uranium in the rocks and soil underneath your home and can seep into your house through cracks/ holes in the foundation. Excessive levels of radon in indoor air can be alarming so you might want to get the indoor air quality at home tested from time to time.

Why is Indoor Air Quality at Home Important and How to Mitigate Indoor Air Pollution?

Understanding Indoor Air Quality at Home

Indoor air pollution can lead to several health issues, including:

  • Breathing troubles
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Headache
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Skin conditions
  • Dry and irritated throat or eyes

To ensure better indoor air quality at home, the best your can do is install an air filtration system. If you have an HVAC unit, it already has an air filter installed, and this may be enough for some homes. If you need even more filtration for those with health concerns or particularly contaminated environments, you can get an air purifier that adds an extra layer of filtration.

Get Your HAVC Unit Installed or Serviced by the Best Contractor in St. Louis

Thinking of getting a new HVAC unit installed or serviced to improve your indoor air quality at home? For all your HVAC installation and maintenance needs in the St. Louis area, you can trust Galmiche & Sons. We have been in the industry since 1950, and bring along the expertise and experience you need to get the job done flawlessly. Contact our heating & air conditioning experts today to learn more about what we offer.

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