Top Reasons to Consider an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

Having an air conditioning system installed in your home is necessary, considering how hot and uncomfortable St. Louis summers can be. But what is equally important and often overlooked by homeowners is an air conditioning maintenance plan. People have many justifications about why they think a maintenance plan is not needed. Some state the additional cost as a concern while others feel that maintenance does not make any difference to the HVAC system’s performance.

Reasons You Need an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

However, the reality is different, and we will tell you why. With the experts at Galmiche & Sons on your side, you can be smarter and get an annual air conditioning maintenance plan booked right away to help keep your system running at peak efficiency. After reading this, you will want to, anyway. So give us a call at 314-993-1110.

Why an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan Is a Must-Have

All of your heating and cooling systems need maintenance. Be it your residential furnace, air conditioner, or heat pump. Here is why:

  • Helps in early detection of issues: Having an air conditioning maintenance plan means that your HVAC system will be checked by experts at least once a year. Getting your HVAC system checked and cleaned every year before peak summers/ winters ensures that any faults or damage are detected on time. If you keep running your HVAC system without maintenance, chances are that wear and tear will go unattended leading to major problems in a few years. Repairing and replacements will not only cost you a hefty sum, but imagine the inconvenience you would face if your AC breaks down without warning.

    Early detection of problems also minimizes risk to your life and property. An HVAC maintenance contractor checks all the electrical wiring and connections in the unit to ensure there are no faults that could pose a risk.

  • Lowers your energy bills: An HVAC system that is maintained well also performs far more efficiently. An air conditioning maintenance plan includes cleaning and refilling of refrigerants to ensure that the AC delivers its best performance throughout the year.

    An air conditioner that is dirty or rusty will have to work twice as hard to deliver cold or warm air to you. This means it consumes more power and your electricity bills shoot up. A well-maintained AC operates with minimum power consumption and keeps your utility bills lower.

  • Improves indoor air quality in your house: The air filter in your HVAC unit is an important part of your air conditioner that maintains the air quality in your home. Over time, it gathers dust and other impurities, which might cause the filter to get clogged. A clogged filter can no longer purify your indoor air. So without an air conditioning maintenance plan, you may be breathing in polluted air with all kinds of allergens, dust, soot, or other particulates that are harmful to your health.

    In your annual maintenance, the HVAC contractors usually clean or replace the air filter to ensure that you keep getting clean, fresh air from your HVAC system.

  • Increases the longevity of your HVAC system: Well-maintained systems last longer, and that is true for all kinds of appliances. An annual air conditioning maintenance plan will help you maintain the health of your HVAC system. So you can enjoy optimum performance from your AC for a long time.

Find a Reliable HVAC Maintenance Contractor in St. Louis

Benefits of an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan

Your air conditioning maintenance plan will only pay off if your HVAC contractors are experienced and genuine. A good HVAC contractor will make sure to check every nut and bolt at every maintenance call. So you need to find an HVAC contractor in St. Louis that you can trust.

Offering the Best Air Conditioning Maintenance Plans for You

Galmiche & Sons has been in the HVAC installation and maintenance business for over 70 years. Our skilled professionals make sure your air conditioning system keeps running for years without a hitch. Call our heating & air conditioning professionals or request HVAC maintenance online to learn more about how we can keep your HVAC system running.

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