HVAC Tips to Reduce Allergies this Spring

HVAC Tips to Reduce Allergies this Spring

With spring comes excitement for the new season ahead. However, for allergy sufferers, when spring is in the air, their noses are in tissues. Seasonal allergies can be a nightmare for folks in St. Louis, and they sometimes feel inescapable. In this article, we provide information for our customers on how their HVAC can be used to help reduce allergies at home.

If you would like help reducing allergies in your home and want to make an appointment with a heating & air conditioning professional in the greater St. Louis area, give Galmiche & Sons a call. We are here to help you and your family have a comfortable spring!

How Your HVAC System Can Help Reduce Allergies in Your Home

Most often allergy sufferers are already aware of the symptoms. The scratchy throat, watery eyes, and itchy nose are all frustrating parts of the allergy-suffering package. However, you deserve some respite from the allergens and irritants, especially in the comfort of your own home!

Here are some easy ways you can reduce allergies by way of your HVAC system:

  • Use Quality Filters – One of the first things we recommend to our customers is that they use high-quality air filters for allergies with decent HEPA ratings in their furnace. If the filter is the kind that needs to be replaced, we recommend replacing it every 1-3 months depending on usage. By doing so, you have already won half the battle when it comes to dust and other allergens in your home.
  • Do a Mold Check – Mold is allergen royalty and can be very harmful to even those who do not normally suffer from allergies. Unfortunately, it can appear in hidden places in the home, affecting unsuspecting homeowners and their family members. Go through your home and look for mold, particularly in damp places. Consider using a dehumidifier in areas that suffer consistent dampness such as the basement.
  • Check the Vents – A great way to reduce allergies in the home is by simply cleaning the supply and return vents on a regular basis. These have a habit of trapping dust like a magnet, and when your system is running and the air is flowing, you can bet that dust is getting pushed back out into your home.
  • Clear Away Dust and Debris – Part of your spring AC maintenance and allergy abatement should always include clearing away the debris, including twigs, leaves, or grass clippings and anything else that might have settled against your outdoor AC unit. However, it is also important to keep the area around your furnace clean to result in proper airflow and higher efficiency. It also helps reduce allergies since it means none of that debris has a chance to pump through your home.

How Can Your HVAC Service Technician Help Reduce Allergies at Your Home?

Reduce Allergies this Spring

We recommend that all our customers do what they can to reduce allergies at home by following the tips we have offered above. However, there are some places you cannot, or really should not, reach. This is where we come in. Schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment so your technician can do a thorough check and cleaning of your HVAC system. We recommend maintenance at least annually, but preferably twice each year – before the hot and cold seasons. While you can do a lot to reduce allergies, we can help by making sure your system is clean inside, including the coils inside the heating and cooling units, which can harbor mold. We can also check your ductwork and humidity levels in the home.

Learn More About How to Reduce Allergies in Your Home With the Help of Your HVAC System

For more information on how to reduce allergies in your home using your HVAC system, or if you would like to schedule a heating & air conditioning maintenance appointment with one of our friendly service technicians for your St. Louis area home, please give us a call or contact us online today!

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