What is a Wireless Thermostat?

What is a Wireless Thermostat

A smart or wireless thermostat is a great way to increase control of your heating and cooling system in order to boost comfort and save money. Simply put, a wireless thermostat is a programmable thermostat that you can control from your phone or another smart device, rather than needing to program the device directly. There are a lot of reasons to consider switching to a wireless thermostat or opting for an HVAC system that has one included if you are looking to switch over entirely. If you are not sure of the best option for your St. Louis area home, just get in touch with your heating & air conditioning service team at Galmiche & Sons and we will be happy to help.

Benefits of a Wireless Thermostat: Increase Energy Efficiency

One of the most obvious advantages of the wireless thermostat is that it allows you to update the temperature and programming when you are not home. This is a great way to achieve more energy efficient HVAC function as it allows you to adapt more quickly to changing conditions. For instance, if you are on a vacation, you might have your thermostat programmed to turn on the heat a bit before you get home. However, if you get held up by travel delays, and will be back a day later than planned. A wireless thermostat lets you update your program from afar, so you will not waste a day’s worth of heating thanks to a change in plans.

Similarly, a lot of wireless thermostats come with smart features and data analysis that can help you better understand and plan your HVAC use. It is one thing to be aware of thermostat best practices that can help you save money, but these thermostats make it easier to actually follow these guidelines. After all, a wireless thermostat can give you a clear idea of how much energy you are using at different times of day, in different conditions, and even from room to room. This level of data can help you better plan heating and cooling use.

Choosing a Wireless Smart Thermostat

There are a few additional features you will want to consider if you purchase a wireless thermostat. Most models on the market are pretty similar, but some come with additional functionality that can be helpful. For example, some can be connected to other smart HVAC technologies, like smart vents, to give you more control and information. Some wireless thermostats have more smart features than others like predictive temperature adjustment as the system learns your habits. Of course, with more features comes additional cost. A wireless thermostat is going to cost a bit more than a traditional option to begin with but some models are a lot more affordable than others. 

Wireless Thermostat Benefits

So, in deciding which model is right for your home, you will need to balance your need for advanced features with their cost. One thing to keep in mind when making this comparison, though, is that the better you are able to control HVAC use in the future, the more you will save on HVAC costs over time.

Call Galmiche & Sons for More Information on Wireless Thermostats

For more information on smart and wireless thermostats, or any other heating & air conditioning issues you may have, give us a call or contact us online today!

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