Fall Indoor Air Quality Concerns & How to Counter Them

With the weather getting cooler and people spending more time indoors, fall is a great time to revisit indoor air quality tips and learn about maintaining good air quality in the home all year round. There are a few easy ways to manage air quality in your home, starting with being aware of common indoor air quality concerns. Some are more common in the fall, and many have to do with the use and function of your heating & air conditioning system.

Fall Indoor Air Quality Concerns

If you have concerns about the air quality in your home, connect with our St. Louis heating & air conditioning company, today. We can help you do an assessment and find ways to improve any faults affecting air quality or any other HVAC issues you may have.

Fall Indoor Air Quality Concerns

There are many factors that can influence indoor air quality in the home, from humidity and rainfall to the type of filter used in your HVAC system. Some air quality concerns, however, are specific to the seasons. Here are a few common fall indoor air quality concerns you should look out for.

Fall allergens like ragweed can easily make it into your home, through open windows, on clothes and shoes, and in myriad other ways. While you might experience worse symptoms outside, you should not count outdoor allergens out of your indoor air quality concerns.

Another big air quality concern inside is dust, which can build up in your HVAC system over time, especially if your air filters are not changed often enough. This is one of the air quality concerns that should be dealt with during your fall maintenance and cleaning visit, and it can go a long way toward keeping your HVAC system clean and functional.

How to Keep Up Air Quality in Your Home

Indoor Air Quality Concerns in Fall

There is also a lot you can do to minimize the indoor air quality concerns in your home. Reducing the use of pollutants and volatile chemicals, especially those in cleaning materials, can really improve your indoor air quality. You can also try to keep doors and windows closed to minimize air quality concerns indoors and keep as many allergens and pollutants out as possible.

Similarly, you can improve the effectiveness of your HVAC system’s filters by changing them regularly and making sure you opt for higher filter ratings. You can reduce dust by vacuuming more frequently as well as adjusting the humidity in your home if needed. Humidity can make it more difficult for your HVAC system to filter out some particles, leading to indoor air quality concerns with humid conditions.

Finally, you might consider adding an extra air purifier to your HVAC set-up — either in the unit itself or as a stand-alone machine. This can make the air a lot clearer than just the filters that are included in your air conditioner. Plus, stand-alone air purifiers allow you to focus attention and filtering power in parts of the house that need more protection from indoor air quality concerns like dust or the use of polluting chemicals.

Dismiss Your Indoor Air Quality Concerns with Galmiche & Sons

Your heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons can recommend air purifiers for your HVAC set up or help you find other ways to improve your air quality with a quick check-up and maintenance visit this fall, so drop us a line today!

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