How Rainfall Can Affect Indoor Air Quality

How Rainfall Can Affect Indoor Air Quality

The whole idea of an HVAC system is to maintain a separate climate from what is going on outdoors, but unfortunately — even with modern HVAC technology — the weather can still have an impact on your indoor climate. In fact, indoor air quality can be heavily affected by certain kinds of weather like heavy rain or extreme heat. Your HVAC system will do a lot to keep conditions comfortable and to maintain high indoor air quality, but there are ways you can help it do that job too. So, when it is raining, especially for many days in a row, keep your heating & air conditioning system in mind, and think about how precipitation might be affecting your indoor air quality.

Humidity and Indoor Air Quality

Air conditioners are designed to both cool the air inside your home, and to maintain a certain level of moisture that is both healthier for you and helps the HVAC system function better too. Some models have extra features to help keep humidity in check and maintain high indoor air quality, but even the most advanced models can get overwhelmed by too much moisture. Humidity can confuse your HVAC system by affecting how temperatures are read and causing a heating effect. Plus, it takes more energy to cool air with a higher moisture content, so your AC unit will be working harder when cooling a humid house.

After many months and years, overworking the unit can cause increased wear and tear and even breakdowns. Even in the short term though, moisture can decrease your comfort in the home even if it is cool enough, cause dampness on furniture, and even support the growth of mold and mildew. This mold and mildew growth is a major problem for indoor air quality and can start to build up in ducts and on your AC unit. So, keeping things dry in the first place is a good idea.

Keeping the Damp Out

Effects of Rain on Indoor Air Quality

To a certain extent, mildew and mold are unavoidable. In fact, one reason why it is important to stay on top of air conditioner maintenance is that the cleaning that comes along with it reduces and removes any mold or mildew growth, improving indoor air quality. There are some things you can do to keep your home drier though.

First, you want to make sure any leaks or cracks are sealed, especially around windows and doors where these openings are common. You can also consider adding a dehumidifier to your air conditioner and make sure to change the air filters in your HVAC system too. Not only does frequent replacement of your air filters help maintain indoor air quality in general, but it is also an especially good idea when there is a lot of moisture in the air.

Connect with Us for More on Indoor Air Quality

For more help on making sure your home has great indoor air quality, connect with us, today! Your heating & air conditioning service team can help you replace these filters and can also perform more thorough HVAC system cleanings to make sure moisture is not affecting your indoor air quality to any great extent. This will keep you and your family healthier, and it also helps keep your air conditioner running more efficiently too.

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