Tips for Finding and Fixing Cold Air Leaks in Your Home

Tips for Finding and Fixing Cold Air Leaks

Whenever your HVAC system is in use, it is important to be sure that it is working at maximum efficiency. This improves the lifespan of the system as well as helps to save on dollars that would be spent on utility bills. There are a couple of things that you can do to ensure that you are not spending too much on energy. One of the ways to do this is by fixing cold air leaks. Cold air leaks allow air from outside to get in while warm air from inside escapes. This will eventually lead to higher utility bills.

Fixing cold air leaks is not rocket science. However, in some cases, you may still require the help of a trained technician. Galmiche & Sons has all the HVAC experts that you need. Our vast experience in the industry allows us to fix any heating & air conditioning problem that you may have. In the greater St. Louis area, call us today at 314-993-1110 to book your appointment.

How to Find Cold Air Leaks

Before you begin fixing cold air leaks in your home, it is important to know where exactly they are. The easiest way of doing this is by using the incense test.

Perform this test by first identifying the most likely sites for a leak. This includes the windows, doors, cables and wires, electric switch plates, and attic hatches. Light an incense stick and walk around the rooms in your house pausing at each probable leak site. Should the smoke from the stick move, then you likely have a leak in that area.

How to Fix Cold Air Leaks

Once you have located leaks, the next step is to fix them. The approach that you use to fix the cold air leaks will depend on where the leak has occurred. In most cases, however, you will need to install either some weather-stripping, insulation, or caulk.

Fixing cold air leaks by using weather-stripping can be used in the following areas:

  • Between window panes
  • Between doors and frames
  • Around the hatch cover for the attic

Tips Fixing Cold Air Leaks

You can also fix the cold air leaks around pipes, cables, wiring, and electric plug outlets by installing additional insulation around them.

Caulk, on the other hand, can be used to fix cold air leaks in gaps around the door and window frames and between the molding and the wall where the wall and the floor meet.

Another option for fixing cold air leaks from doors is to install a door sweep under doors that have a wide gap at the bottom.

Call Galmiche & Sons for Help Fixing Cold Air Leaks in Your Home

If you are unsure about how to find or fix the cold air leaks in your home, you may hire a technician to do it for you. Our technicians will perform a test to identify the leak areas as well as to determine how much leakage there is. Simply give us a call at 314-993-1110 today and let us put to rest all your heating & air conditioning worries. We have proudly served the St. Louis area for many years, and look forward to helping your family keep warm this winter!

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