DIY HVAC Repairs vs. Hiring a Contractor

DIY HVAC Repairs vs. Hiring a Contractor in St. Louis

Let’s face it – HVAC repairs are quite costly, especially if you have an old unit that breaks down frequently. So, it is natural to want to DIY HVAC repairs and save significant money. Now, while there is nothing wrong with trying to fix your HVAC unit’s issue on your own, some problems are meant to be handled by HVAC professionals.

When it comes to the intricacies of your heating and cooling systems, striking the balance between what you can DIY and what requires professional expertise is crucial. And that’s what we at Galmiche & Sons will explain today. Read on to learn more about DIY HVAC repairs and why entrusting significant tasks to a qualified contractor might be the wisest choice.

To learn more or schedule HVAC maintenance with our heating and air conditioning experts in St. Louis, contact us online or by phone today.

DIY HVAC Repairs You Can Handle

Let’s start by discussing the DIY HVAC repairs you can handle without professional help. There are multiple HVAC maintenance tasks and minor repairs that savvy homeowners like you can easily tackle.

  • Air Filter Replacement: One of the most common DIY HVAC repairs and maintenance tasks you can do is changing your air filter regularly. It is a simple yet impactful DIY task that promotes better indoor air quality and system efficiency.
  • Clearing the Outdoor Unit: When it comes to DIY HVAC repairs, you can also clear the surrounding area of your outdoor air conditioner unit and trim the vegetation. Doing so will prevent dust and dirt accumulation and keep your furnace functioning optimally.
  • Thermostat Calibration: Adjusting and calibrating the thermostat settings is a straightforward task you can easily manage independently. Further, you can also change your thermostat’s batteries on your own.

DIY HVAC Repairs You Can Handle

The Limits of DIY HVAC Repairs: When Should You Hire a Contractor?

DIY HVAC repairs have their boundaries, especially when it comes to major maintenance and complex system repairs. In such cases, it is wise to hire a professional HVAC contractor and let them handle the issue.

Professional HVAC contractors bring a wealth of expertise, specialized tools, and experience to the table. They solve the problems in the right way, ensuring that there is no harm to your unit.

Here are some of the cases when you should avoid DIY HVAC repairs and hire a contractor instead:

  • Complex Repairs: Fixing issues with the furnace or air conditioning unit’s internal components, electrical wiring, or refrigerant leaks requires specialized knowledge and expertise. Thus these repairs are best left to the professionals.
  • Safety Risks: HVAC systems involve electrical components and complex machinery. Mishandling these systems during DIY attempts can pose safety hazards, risking damage to the system and personal injury. So, if you aren’t sure about how to handle a task, it is wise to let the professionals handle it.
  • Warranty Protection: Attempting major repairs without professional guidance might void your AC warranty, potentially resulting in costly consequences. Hiring a contractor often involves warranties or guarantees on services rendered, providing peace of mind and financial protection.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Professional HVAC Repairs in St. Louis

While some DIY HVAC repairs are feasible for homeowners, recognizing the limits and complexities of these systems is crucial. Major maintenance, intricate repairs, or system installations are best left to certified professionals.

At Galmiche & Sons, our certified technicians specialize in HVAC maintenance, repairs, and installations. We have been offering top-notch HVAC repairs and maintenance services to St. Louis residents since 1950. Get in touch with us if you are looking for professional assistance and expert guidance in navigating your HVAC needs.

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