Top Reasons Why Your Heating Bills May Be Higher Than Normal

Reasons Why Your Heating Bills May Be Higher Than Normal

Are you experiencing alarmingly high heating bills? While winter gas and electricity bills are anticipated to be somewhat higher than autumn bills, they should not increase drastically from season to season. There might be many reasons for your monthly energy expenses to be so high.

Let us take a look at the top 5 reasons you may be getting higher heating bills and how to fix them.

For help keeping your energy bills in check this winter, choose the best HVAC repair and heating and air conditioning maintenance experts in St. Louis. You can reach us at 314-993-1110.

Top 5 Reasons for Higher Heating Bills

While it is expected that heating bills will be higher in winters, you should consider the following five reasons if your bills are consistently high or spike up suddenly.

Lack of Insulation

Insulation problems are frequently disregarded or ignored by homeowners. However, it plays a critical part in keeping your house warm and your heating bills low, so this may be a costly omission. If your house is older, there is a strong possibility your insulation has deteriorated due to age or was never sufficient in the first place.

Adding additional insulation in the walls and attic might help keep your house warm in the winter. Consider replacing your single-paned windows with double-paned ones, too. You should also look for gaps in other areas that air can escape from and cover them. Doing any of these things will help reduce your heating bills significantly.

Holiday Baking Contributes to Higher Heating Bills

At first glance, this may appear to be a weird concept – how is your Christmas baking increasing your energy bill? Think about how often you use the oven and how many other gadgets you use. Start bulk baking over the holiday season to save money on heating bills. To prevent warming your oven several times, bake a variety of delicious goodies all at once.

Increasing the Heat

Why Your Heating Bills May Be High

On a frigid winter day, it might be quite tempting to keep turning up the heat by a few degrees, but this will also add to your heating bills. To keep your HVAC system from working extra hard, resist the urge and add another layer of clothing or snuggle up under a warm blanket instead.

An Old Inefficient Thermostat

If you have an old thermostat, it might be time to upgrade to a smart or programmable thermostat. These new and high-tech systems can be programmed to turn the heat up or down, depending on your schedule. So, you can save significantly on heating bills by just programming it to turn the heat down when you are away and turn it back on only when you are at home.

Heating System Problems Increase Heating Costs

Finally, your heating system itself may be the cause of your increased energy bills. If your system is old or needs repairs or maintenance, this alone could be adding a significant cost to your bills. If you suspect issues, it is best to hire professional heating experts to take a look at your system and rule out any major issues.

Hire the Best Heating Experts in St. Louis

Galmiche & Sons is at your service when you are looking for the best heating experts in St. Louis to help you reduce your heating bills. We have been trusted in the HVAC industry since 1950, and we have worked with many home and business owners providing heating and air conditioning maintenance and service. To learn more about how we can best help, contact our expert heating and air conditioning professionals today.

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