How Will the R22 Refrigerant Phase Out Affect Your Commercial AC?

R22 Refrigerant Phase Out & Your Commercial AC

If your commercial HVAC system is more than 10 years old, there is a good chance you will be affected by the R22 refrigerant phase out. R22, often known as Freon, was the standard refrigerant for commercial AC for decades, before studies revealed how bad it is for the environment. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency is conducting an R22 refrigerant phase out with the goal of eliminating the use of R22 by 2020.

For anyone with an older HVAC system, it is important to plan out how you will approach the R22 refrigerant phase out and everything that comes with it. The first step is to determine whether your AC uses Freon currently and whether it is set up to use an alternative or not. The HVAC team at Galmiche & Sons, your St. Louis heating & air conditioning company, can help.

Understanding the R22 Refrigerant Phase Out

The reason for the R22 refrigerant phase out is that R22 was one of the chemicals contributing heavily to the depletion of the ozone. Since so many air conditioners used R22 for so long, the EPA took a gradual approach, phasing the chemical out while allowing home and business owners time to replace their AC with updated units, switch over to a new refrigerant, or have their HVAC systems retrofit to be able to use one of the approved Freon replacement alternatives.

What This Means for You

R22 Refrigerant Phase Out

As a business owner, you know that HVAC maintenance can be a big expense. One thing to consider with the R22 refrigerant phase out is that it is already making the price of Freon skyrocket as it becomes less available on the market. With that in mind, it is worth considering whether continuing to wait it out while paying higher prices for refrigerant or simply replacing your system with an updated one is going to be more cost effective.

Another thing to consider is that there are now added penalties for refrigerant leaks of R22. So there is some risk involved in continuing to us R22 until it is no longer available. Most businesses choose to approach the R22 refrigerant phase out proactively, replacing and updating their HVAC equipment to be ready for alternatives when the R22 refrigerant phase out is complete. There are a few options, from a complete HVAC replacement to retrofitting your current unit to work with new alternatives. Either way, you will want to assess your options soon and make sure you consider the costs of waiting to switch over.

Your HVAC Team Can Help

Before all that, if you are not sure, you should have your HVAC team check out your air conditioner and determine whether you are using R22 right now. If you are, it is time to think about updating your HVAC system or having it retrofit for new refrigerant alternatives. Your heating & air conditioning service can help here too and recommend an R22 refrigerant phase out strategy that works for you. It can be a hassle to replace your air conditioner, but with rising Freon prices, environmental penalties for spills, and the general difficulty of buying R22, it is a good idea to switch now rather than waiting. After all, you do not want to find yourself with a broken down AC unit because you could not afford R22 refrigerant replacement.

Learn More About the R22 Refrigerant Phase Out

To learn more about the R22 refrigerant phase out and what that means for you, connect with us today! We look forward to serving all your heating & air conditioning needs.

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