Why You Shouldn’t Skip Coil Cleaning & Other HVAC Preventative Maintenance

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Coil Cleaning & Other HVAC Preventative Maintenance

HVAC systems have a variety of components that have to work in sync to ensure your comfort and safety. For example, the coils of the evaporator and condensers are crucial elements that keep your system running smoothly. Coil cleaning is an important part of regular HVAC maintenance and contributes to increased efficiency. By investing in a quality coil cleaning service from your HVAC provider, you are actively working to extend your system’s life and boost overall energy efficiency. Additionally, when you schedule a regular coil cleaning, you are much less likely to need major repairs. Skipping over a coil cleaning can have harmful long-term effects on your HVAC system.

Number one in St. Louis, Galmiche & Sons has been offering unparalleled HVAC maintenance services since 1950. We are a heating and air conditioning provider you can trust. Give us a call at 314-993-1110 to schedule a coil cleaning or learn more about proper HVAC maintenance.

Reasons You Should Prioritize Getting a Coil Cleaning

Importance of HVAC Coil Cleaning

At one time or another, all HVAC systems require some maintenance. Ideally, this would be quick and easy cleaning and repairs, but this is not always the case. Getting a coil cleaning is a great preventative step that can help reduce costly repairs. Below are just a few of the reasons that we here at Galmiche & Sons think getting a coil cleaning is so important.

  • Boost Efficiency – Dirty coils on the evaporator or condenser can drastically lower your system’s efficiency, sometimes upwards of 30%. Dirt and grime build up on the coils and requires specific tools to be removed. A good HVAC provider will have these specially designed coil cleaning tools. Incorporating this into your regular maintenance schedule will help to keep your system operating at top efficiency.
  • Avoid Wasted Money – When dirt and grime work their way into your system’s coils, this hinders your efficiency. This also means that your energy costs will begin to rise, not to mention other repair costs that come with dirty coils. Things such as low capacity, high head pressure, or compressor issues are all components that can be affected by dirty coils.
  • Prevent Major Breakdowns – Regular cleaning of your system’s coils will help you to avoid having a costly and catastrophic break down. HVAC technicians are experts at catching small issues before the snowball into huge ones. A good coil cleaning should absolutely be a part of your regular maintenance plan.

Choose a Reliable HVAC Provider for Your Coil Maintenance

From a consumer standpoint, there are many companies on the market to choose from, but it is important that you decide on a trustworthy and helpful provider. A little research goes a long way, find a company that is certified and has a good reputation in your area. A good HVAC provider will come with good reviews, should offer you a quote before they start a job, and will keep you informed the whole time.

Let Galmiche and Sons Help You with a Coil Cleaning

At Galmiche & Sons, we are a heating and air conditioning company that is 100% committed to our customers. Whether you need to schedule regular HVAC maintenance or have questions about improving efficiency in your system, let us help you. Give us a call at 314-993-1110.

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