Unexpected Furnace Tune Up Benefits

Furnace Tune Up Benefits

In the greater St. Louis area, regular HVAC maintenance is a fact of life. It is one of the most important things you can do for your system and there are many furnace tune up benefits that you stand to gain from. Unfortunately, many folks ignore this advice and miss out on lots of these benefits. There are quite a few great furnace tune up benefits that come with scheduling regular HVAC maintenance visits. At Galmiche & Sons, we want our customers to be able to enjoy all the perks of having a well-maintained system.

If you are curious about furnace tune up benefits, give us a call at 314-993-1110 today. As a leading HVAC contractor serving the greater St. Louis area, let us put our heating & air conditioning expertise to work for you!

Four Fantastic Furnace Tune Up Benefits

One of the main reasons we recommend regular HVAC maintenance to all our customers is to prevent a major breakdown. Our talented technicians can uncover a little issue and prevent it from becoming something catastrophic. However, there are many other furnace tune up benefits that come as a result of regular tune ups.

Here are our 4 favorite furnace tune up benefits that you might not expect:

  • Warranty Preservation – Most quality furnaces come with a warranty, and it is quite common to find a 10-year warranty being offered on your new furnace. However, if you need use that warranty, the manufacturer will often want to see a record that you have been maintaining your furnace. Having regular maintenance means you will be fully covered by your warranty.
  • Gas Leak Detection – Obviously, gas leaks are very dangerous and can be fatal. A visit from an HVAC tech ensures that all the ignition processes are working correctly, which prevents gas leakage. Frequent servicing of your furnace also helps guard against hazardous carbon monoxide leaks, which can easily otherwise go undetected.
  • Heating Bill Reduction – Possibly our favorite of  the furnace tune up benefits, a well-maintained furnace can greatly reduce your energy bills. When a furnace is peak condition, it uses far less energy to heat your home. Studies show that frequent service can result in up to a 30% reduction in heating bills. If you factor in this over time, regular tune-ups become well worth their costs.
  • Improved Safety and Comfort – Everyone likes to come in from the cold, and nothing beats coming home to a nice warm house during a bitter winter evening. A good furnace that is well maintained helps to guarantee your in-home comfort all winter long. Additionally, servicing your unit will make sure that your family is safe and that your furnace keeps working smoothly.

Those Tune-Ups Really Extend Your Furnace’s Lifespan

What are some Furnace Tune Up Benefits

Purchasing a new furnace is a significant investment, so you want to make sure that it lasts a very long time. A well-maintained furnace can easily last 10+ years, with some of them lasting as long as 20! Taking the steps to maintain your furnace helps you save big over the long run.

Start Taking Advantage of These Furnace Tune Up Benefits Today

Galmiche & Sons have been a leading heating & air conditioning provider for St. Louis since 1950. Let us help you enjoy the benefits of a furnace tune up by giving us a call at 314-993-1110.

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