What is Air Balancing and Testing?

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable throughout the seasons, there are a variety of factors that come into play. For example, your HVAC system needs to be the right size and type for your home. Another factor that can contribute to home temperature and air flow issues is air balancing. But what is air balancing and how do you test for it?

What is Air Balancing and Testing?

In this article, we explore what are air balancing and testing are and how they can benefit your HVAC unit. Read on to learn more. Or if you would like to schedule air balancing and testing for your residential or commercial property in the St. Louis area, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

What Is Air Balancing?

Your HVAC system is designed to ensure that your home receives a consistent air flow at all times when the HVAC unit is activated. But sometimes, this consistent airflow can become faulty – it may be too powerful in some places and weak in others. The temperature of air and the purity of air flowing through your system can also be impacted. This is when you require air balancing and testing.

Air balancing and testing is the process of identifying what is wrong with your HVAC system’s airflow and recalibrating your HVAC unit to work more efficiently.

How Is the Air Balanced in an HVAC Unit?

When performing air balancing and testing, certified HVAC professionals will visit your home and take a look at your HVAC system. They will consult you about your cooling, heating, and ventilation needs and preferences. Every room is checked to see whether the airflow there matches your preferences or not.

The team will then manually change the HVAC unit settings to see if that resolves the faulty airflow. If it does not, they will take apart the HVAC unit to test different components within the HVAC unit, which contribute to proper airflow. If any problems are observed, the necessary maintenance, repairs, or replacements will be performed accordingly.

Why Is It Important to Balance and Test Your HVAC Unit?

A properly balanced and tested HVAC unit allows you to:

  • Quickly identify any underlying issues that affect the lifespan of your HVAC unit.
  • Reduce your need to call professionals for frequent maintenance or servicing.
  • Reduce the likelihood of replacing HVAC parts very quickly.
  • Reduce your electricity consumption and lower energy bills.
  • Make your home more energy efficient and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Keep your home at the right temperature and humidity, suitable for each season.
  • Prevent the formation of mold that can occur due to improper temperature and air flow indoors.
  • Keep you safe from safety hazards due to malfunctioning HVAC and protect you from illness by ensuring stale air flows out properly every time.

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Air Balancing

Air Balancing and Testing Benefits

So, now that you know the answers to what is air balancing and why is it important, the next step is knowing when you may need it. You should call your HVAC experts if you observe the following signs:

  • You experience hot or cold spots in different areas of the house.
  • The temperature and air flow remain inconsistent each day.
  • Your HVAC unit requires frequent maintenance checks.
  • Your HVAC bills are increasing at a fast pace.
  • The air remains stale and dirty indoors, no matter how often you get your HVAC unit serviced.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for HVAC Air Balancing & Testing

At Galmiche & Sons, Inc, we have tremendous experience testing HVAC units for airflow and balancing the HVAC system. We will visit your home or business, evaluate your unit, and perform the required air balancing quickly and efficiently. With years of professional experience and highly trained technicians, you can trust us for quick and seamless work at highly affordable costs. Reach out to our heating and cooling experts today to schedule your HVAC air balancing and testing.

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